Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Chapter 47 : Newbie, QueenBee & The Wannabe (prequel)

22 February 2011

The Age of Innocence.

There were we, old formation : Joey, Cyrus, Keith, and Me.

Wait… Dimana Joey? Udah jarang ngumpul itu anak sekarang. Udah dua minggu absen jalan bareng.

“Terserahhh. Dia ngumpulnya sekarang sama si Victor. Jadi ass-licker ujung-ujungnya. Padahal dulu najis setengah mati katanya. MALESIN!”

Hah?! Cyrus ga salah ngomong kan, ya? That meanie queen?!

I was once hang-out with Victor and his army. Gayanya yang “MY WAY OR HIGHWAY” itu bikin mau gesekin pantatnya ke serutan es deh! SRETTT! PRETTT!

“Yaiyalah, si Joey kena kumpul sama Victor yang super popular itu, mana mau kumpul sama kita lagi?!” kata Keith yang masih pakai behel gigi.

Gila. Cupu banget ya jaman itu. Cyrus rambutnya masih ala cina kota yang rambutnya diragukan warnanya : itu cokelat semir lima-ribuan atau hasil dicelupin wenter tekstil?

“Victor is so…. Perfect! Fabulous kiddo! He’s the ‘Barbie’ and we are the Sesame Street dolls!” umpat saya yang masih virgin. Eh, sumpah masih virgin waktu itu!

“If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her some friends?” kata Keith yang sinisnya udah keliatan diantara kilatan silau memantul dari kawat giginya.

I miss Joey. I miss his flawless attitude and genuine smile. I just don’t want him turn into…well... another queen wannabe. Sigh.

Besoknya, kita ngeliat Joey dengan dandanan ala snobbish-boyish lagi berdua sama Victor, diiringi pasukan si Victor Van Victory tentu.

“Aw shit… Look at him… Udah mulai turned into dark side. Dandannya engga original lagi. Engga vintage lagi kaya biasanya. Itu kan nyontek gayanya si Victor bulan lalu! Ga suka deh ah!” umpat Cyrus geram. Ini anak saya curiga benernya iri deh. Hohoho…

Saya dan Keith cuma ngeliatin acara apaan itu di pojokan sana. Kenapa isinya kok pada tegang-senyum-tegang-senyum begitu.

I kinda like what I see. Joey’s wearing that fancy clothes, head to toe. I know its not his style but… Yea, u may see the queen and the army, semuanya pada dandan begitu, bikin mata newbie kaya saya waktu itu jadi nge-blink. Those rich boys... (Could Joe afford it, btw? Well… I dunno.)

Dark Ages.

“JONATHAN OEY!!” bentak Cyrus ditempat parkir, nyautin si Joe yang hampir masuk ke mobil si Victor. Aduh mampus, ini anak tadi udah di dalem mobil kok tau-tau udah dipojokan sana yak!

“You may not yelling to the new queen like that, newbie…” desis Victor.


Joe meminta waktu sebentar pada Victor, lalu menghampiri kami. “Hey, u guys.” Senyumnya. Masih senyum yang sama. Genuine yet warm.

“New queen, huh? We’re not cool enough for you, huh? Terus elu bakal ninggalin kita-kita? Ohh, kita cuma batu lompatan?” Cyrus menahan nafasnya, berat.

Joey menggigiti bibirnya sendiri. “He chooses me. And I don’t know why. Yang aku tahu, Victor bulan depan harus lanjutin study abroad. Then here I am…”

“Kenapa harus elu?” tanya Keith.

“Karena gua janjiin Victor hal-hal yang lebih baik. Dan dia melihat gua pantas, so why not?”

“You wish! You will never be the white queen! Sama itemnya lu sama Victor sekarang! Inget ya Joe, If your roots forgotten, then your fruits will rotten!” bentak Cyrus.

“Guys. Put aside your suspicious mind and you will see that I’m trying to make things better.” katanya masih dalam emosi tertata.

“For peace?” ejek Cyrus.

“Yeah right. Fighting for peace is like fucking for virginity.” Tambah Keith. Saya cuma diem ditengah-tengah mereka sambil sibuk nelen ludah sendiri. Udah kembung kali sekarang!

“Nice outfits. But one thing, babi itu ya, walaupun udah dipakein baju, tetep aja bunyinya ‘oink’. What a waste of time!” duh Cyrus! Babat abis dah!

Saya akhirnya memegang lengannya. “Don’t be the devil, please… Back to our side..” I miss u baby-bitch! Can’t you read my silly eyes?! =’(

Joey mendengus kesal. “I’m not afraid of the devil. I’ve been hung out to his brothers for years.” Heh? We are devils?

Cyrus menatapnya nanar. “You know what… You better go. You better go to that silly former queen. He’s been waiting for you. And I promise you one thing, I’m gonna defeat you someday. I’m gonna be the diva!”

Joey tersenyum kecil. “I don’t do diva. Such a kiddy. I do queen.” =)

Entah kenapa kok saya malah kagum ya ngeliat Joey waktu itu. Okay, maybe he deserves that crown.

Then Joey get in to the car, leaving us with many questions, wet eyes, and heavy breathing.


“Promise me, you will always be the white queen. Ubah itu semua peraturan konyol yang senior buat dulu. Perbaiki pelan-pelan. Do it as I said, and you will be survived. You got me as back-up.”

Joey mengangguk. “Lots of people gonna hate me, Vic. How sad is that…”

“All the haters are the gum under your shoes. Don’t even think about it.”


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