Jumat, 23 April 2010


12 april 2010


“Arrhh- Ouuggcch! HAARGH! Errrgh…!! YEAAAAH! Hufh… Hufh.. Oh God!! MANTABBB!!”

Dan Cyrrus melongo. Apa barusan itu? 

And why was suddenly his dick getting so hard after that Bulky Hunk finished his Incline-Chest session?

“Oh Lord.. if a dick had earthquake, would it be called a dickquake?”

“Dan elu berani-beraninya ya hard-on di gym! Dicky-Dick! Down! Now!” tunjuk Keith pada si pipit Cyrrus.

Tapi Cyrrus tetap memandanginya. “Baby Cy, an erection is like the Theory of Relativity - the more you think about it, the harder it gets. Now imagine me blowing your itchy-bitchy-dicky-dick !!” bisik saya. 

Dan magically pipitnya langsung ciut. Homo keparat !!

“Perlu ya itu Koko segitunya kalo ngegym? Mana suaranya juga mega-desibel pula lah. Ga ada tanggung jawabnya juga dia udah bikin turn on !!”

“What did u just said, Keith? Lu juga turn on gara-gara dia?”

“Forget it Cy ! Shower time !”

Duo Basterds!


Cyrrus can’t get over him. 

I heard, that Bulky Hunk plays as a sweating-sexy-shiny men in cyrrus’s jerk-off fantasy for two weeks in a row! EUCH CYRRUS! EWWW !

“Well blame him, don’t blame me. His face is not so gorgeus lah, but his sexy voice? Super ! Paling enggak gua udah lihat wajah orgasmenya waktu nahan beban tadi sama suaranya waktu ngerang keenakan waktu nindihin gua. Aw aw aw !!” Then I stop chewing my sandwiches. I have lost my appetite !

“Would you stop that mental masturbation, horny-shitzu? Go to him, pick a line and seduce him to get on top of you !” tantang saya pada dia.

 “He’s straight, Chris. Straight as an arrow. He’s 30yo, doing thai boxing weekly, collecting vodka-bottles, racing is his hobby in leisure time. And he's got slut name FIANCEE-EH.”

“Geez, pake detektif mana elu, Cy?”

“Sometimes, we have to thank social networking. Facebook really helps when u are in desperate of anything.”

“So rite ! Even when u need some fuck buddies. You can make a deal on facebook.” Keith menambahi.

Sekali lagi, DUO BASTERDS !!


Dan kami bertiga lagi di gym itu.

Si duo basterds ngebantuin saya di chest-session. Enggak kuat kalo sendirian. Hari ini harus pake beban maksimal !!

“AHHH! ERGHH ! TAHAN! HARRGHH! “ it was too heavy for me !

“Aiiih Chris, stop frightening the horse ! Lebay !!”





By. C

Minggu, 18 April 2010

Chapter 21 : The Finish Line

8 April 2010



“Denger-denger, sekarang Ko Billy udah jadian ya sama Travis ?” saya confirm rumor itu ke Keith. Tapi Keith malah menganga super lebar.

“Jangan bilang elu belum get over him ya, Keith ! Gua tampol lu !”

Saya jadi belain si Travis waktu denger si Keith banding-bandingin dirinya sama Travis. 

In my eyes, Travis is : cute, smart, and has a good manner to seniors. He’s a good boy after all.

“Elu mau jalan bareng ama tuh anak ga, Keith? Gua ada janji mau nemenin dia ke Mall entar maleman..”

“Hon.. I would rather look his facebook than face his real-look.”

Lalu kami mengecek facebooknya. Travis Pang. Beberapa jam yang lalu dia barusan mengubah status facebooknya dari single menjadi IT’S COMPLICATED.

Tangan si Keith jadi gatel buat nge-comment : if your relationship status says, "It's complicated" then you should stop kidding yourself and change it to "Single" !

“Keith ! Hapus ga !! Itu anak enggak salah apa-apa ya !”

“Dan dia juga enggak bakal cari masalah kan sama gua? Easy, cupcake.”

Whatever lah !




Engga tau gimana, tau-tau Ko Billy telepon saya. Katanya Keith tengkar sama si Travis di gym sore barusan. I feel like “Haaaaah ??!!”

Jadi ceritanya si Keith tampar dia dua kali di locker-room. Tapi si Travis ga balas, soalnya dia tipe orang halus. Engga kaya temen saya yang asal-telen-ga-pake-kunyah itu. Ckckck..

“Please. I just don’t want Keith in my life anymore. I am so over it. Bisa Bantu kan?”

“Kenapa sih enggak bilang sendiri? Mungkin dia malah nurut sama kamu, Ko. Capek ah ngasih tau itu anak.”

“Udah, kamu pikirin cara lain deh. Kalo ketemu, kasih tau. Okay? Got to go now. Bye!” WHAT A BOSSY BASTARD! Paling males deh ikut-ikutan masalah orang ah!

Saya bbm si Keith :

C            :            Elu gampar anak orang ya? Ko Billy marah noh !

K            :            I DIDN’T SLAP HIM. I just firmly high fived his face!

C            :            Kebangetan lu yah. Minta maaf deh, beneran !

K            :            Eh buat apa yaaa. Enak aja ! WEEEEK ! =p

C            :            KALO GA, KO BILLY MAU GAMPAR ELU ! SERIUS !

Si Keith engga bales sih. Tapi engga yakin juga bakal percaya sama HOAX terakhir. Tapi jadi capek sendiri. Jadi kesel sendiri. Okay, bener-bener harus pake cara ini kayanya….

Hanya perlu setengah jam buat ngeliat bukti mengalahnya si Keith.

Keith Wang says, congratulation to my ex and his new BF. May happiness always comes with you guys. 

(5minutes ago)

I like-it !

Terus saya negliat status facebooknya si Billy.

Billy Han is in relationship with Travis Pang 

(20minutes ago)


By bbm setengah jam kemudian :

B            :            Thx ya Chris. I owe you one.

C            :            Be happy then. Don’t tell Keith! Don’t screw Travis !

B            :            I love him. I wont !

C            :            yea u may say ! got to go ! bye !


Sorry Keith… I owe you one..



Jumat, 09 April 2010

Chapter 20 : Perfect Portrait

6 april 2010

Cyrrus has to reconsidering his modeling side-job after this photo session : FAMILY PORTRAIT SESSION. 

Once a year. Armageddon for him !

Harusnya ga jadi masalah sih di tahun-tahun sebelumnya. Sebelum akhirnya Kakak cowoknya tau kalo dia.. well.. DIFFERENT. Berita ini nyalur ke adiknya, terus Mamanya, terus Papanya.

And it will never be the same again for Cyrrus Danniel.

No more bear-hugging from his Daddy. No more poker-time with his brothers. Wallpaper kamarnya yang turquoise-blue diganti jadi Ivory-Classic sama Mamanya.


“I’m fine ! But I am dead inside ! Kaya pemakaman aja pake jas item item di foto keluarga !” Cyrrus pantang nangis. Baginya, ini mungkin hukuman kecil. At least his parents still love him just the way they do. Nothing changes much. Cuma disiksa pelan-pelan aja.

“I do look like a frigid-ugly-duckling in black suit. I really do.” Katanya sambil ngeliatin hasil foto satu album. Kami manggut-manggut. I don’t see my Baby-Cy in those pictures.



Beda sama Mamanya Keith yang enggak bisa ditebak dari dulu. As u know, Keith’s Dad passed away since he was 5yo dan dia anak tunggal. Diantara mereka, seperti ada satu rule “Turn around, and do your own business.”

Waktu Mamanya batal tunangan, Keith diem. Waktu Mamanya ikut blind-date, Keith diem. Waktu Mamanya punya 3 pacar dalam satu moment, Keith diem.

Dan waktu Keith ngebahas tentang sexual-preference, his Mom was freezing for a minute.

“I don’t think you’re a homosexual, Keith. You just ran out of girls.” Keith menggeleng serius.

“Are you sure, my Tinkerbell ? You gay? Euchh..” Lalu mereka duduk bersama. Moment langka dalam keluarga kecil ini.

“Ya-iyalah Mam! I am so gay, sampe-sampe pernah naksir salah satu pacar mami!” Mamanya senyum kecut.

“Well. Shocking sih.. Tapi mau gimana lagi. Paling enggak Mama enggak bakal shock suatu hari Mama didatengin cewe yang ngaku kamu hamilin. Oh! Haleluyaaa!”

“Halleluya back!” dan mereka berpelukan.

“U are gay! What’s the worst case u may have? Just Syphilis! Dan jangan ajak mami ke dokter ya kalo kamu kejangkit ! Hihihi.” Mamanya jadi girang setengah mati. Keith jadi amit-amit.

“And honey, Mama is wondering,  How gay people do the sex?”

“Mom. Stop holding my hands, turn around, and do your own business! Ntar Keith pinjemin bokepnya aja dah.”



“I still love my Mom, My Dad, My Brothers, however. I just can’t stop loving them.” Kata Cyrrus. Black-Coffee ketiganya. Artinya dia bit depressed.

 “You can always find family in your friends. You can find better brothers in your queer-fellas, and you can find warmer hug inhere, your inner circle.” Bisik saya pada dia sambil memeluknya.

“Can we stop this melodrama? Let’s take our picture!” Putus Keith.


-The most important thing in life is your family. There are days you love them, and others you don't.

But in the end, they're the people you always come home to. Sometimes it's the family you're born into and sometimes it's the one you make for yourself-




Sabtu, 03 April 2010

Chapter 19 : Wake-up Call !

March 12, 2010


Truth hurts, Truth heals..

Menurut kami, Jeff adalah pacar yang baik. 

Nyempetin ke kontrakan BF-nya tiap sabtu buat bantu bersih-bersih, sekalian bawa hasil laundry seminggu lalu, dan masak sementara BF dia masih sibuk main Wii.

BF nya digosipin selingkuh sana-sini, dia cuek, tetep enggak percaya kalo belum ngeliat pake mata sendiri.

Ketahuan diselingkuhin sekali, dimaafin dengan mudahnya.

Ketahuan diselingkuhin dua kali? Malah dia yang diputusin. 

Cowo elu itu gila ya, Jeff? Cari yang kaya apa sih?

Jeff masih menangis di hadapan kami. “Gua ini kurang apa sih, elu-elu pikirin coba..”

Keith >> kurang waras sih kalo gua bilang.

Cyrrus >> itu mulut minta gua kerokin ke aspal panas ya, Keith?

Keith >> ya gimana coba! Elu juga sih Jeff, terlalu lemah. Apa tadi alasan dia mutusin elu? Oh! Mau coba dulu jadi straight? Sekalian mau konsen ke proyek kerjaan dia? 


Gua >> Explain it, bigmouth !

Keith >> He just.. Don’t love u no more ! Truth hurts, baby. Sorry.

Jeff  >> Well, at least tell me a bit more gently, Keith ! Huh !

Keith >> Well, fragile-Jeff, I’m not ur Mother. 



Saya jadi mikir, iya juga sih. 

Rata-rata orang putus, pake alasan udah ga cocok lagi lah, udah beda visi lah, saling sibuk lah.






At least kita jadi berhenti mikir apa yang salah dari diri kita berbulan-bulan kedepan. 

Truth hurts, but truth heals u faster !


Cyrrus >> I … Agree, actually. I never get dumped by a guy, but when I dump a guy, the reason is… I'm just not into him anymore!

Keith >> See ?? How many roads must a man walk down before he admits he’s lost ?? Damn, sometimes we are turning into chicken when it comes to breaking up !

Jeff  >> Tapi gua udah berkorban banyak, elu tau enggak !

Gua  >>  Well, gua rasa investasi cinta elu udah anjlok ke angka NOL sekarang. U got zero. Sekarang, tutup pabrik elu, and welcome cute single hunks and brand new products !!

Nangisnya Jeff jadi enggak deras lagi setelah chit-chat kami barusan di pojokan café.

Gua  >> No tears for bad lover, Baby-Jeff. (hug..)

Paling enggak kelihatannya si Jeff jadi lega sedikit.

Udah enggak lagi mengutuk dirinya sendiri, kurang ini-kurang itu.

 “Oh dear, I think i need some Singapore Sling. Let’s hit the bar! The bill on me!”


By. C