Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

Chapter 61 : Saint and Sinner.

24 December 2011

There’s something about Damian..

As he put on his black-leather gloves, tightened up the silver shoe laces, and sprayed on the amber-wood fragrance on his neck. Damian was ready to go.

He was going to dance back and forth to an “Electric Chapel” track, worshiping sins and the temporary euphoria, sipping some ‘Illusions’ while kissing the strangers and hugging the enemies. He was being a holy fool tonight.

“Damian!” tepuk Keith. “How dare you start the party without me!”

“No. How dare you come late to my Pre-Black Christmas party! Here, let the DJ hug you!”

“Haha. Great crowd, AttaBoy! Eh, I’ve brought my friend. Gapapa kan?”

“Oh please, makin banyak pengikut gua, makin bagus lah. And his name is?”

Cyrus maju. “You look familiar from far away. By the way, gua Cyrus.” Jabatnya.

“You must have got the wrong person. Probably that was my twin brother.” Senyumnya lebar sambil menawarkan ‘Illusion’ gratis ke Cyrus dan Keith.

“Ahhh.. Mikha kembaran kamu ternyata?” Cyrus takjub.

“Iya kembar identik. Cuma beda tabiat sama kodrat. Tau sendiri kan Mikha kaya apa anaknya…” Jelas Damy.

“Iya saking identiknya sampe sama-sama binan yak.” Keith tertawa.

“Haha right! Just dance, shall we? I’ll put on my best music tonight.”

There’s something about Mikhail..

As he poured pure water onto his hands, rubbing it on his face then dried it. He decided to wear his new clean-white shirt, grabbed his red Rosary and held his rusty bible : Mikhail was ready to go.

He was going to praise his Lord, singing it out loud, raising his hands-the higher the hands, the closer to God -and yelling His name, munching a host from the cup, kissing the Rosary, hugging himself. He was being an angel for tonight.

“Kalian, sehabis ini jadi kan gathering dinner dirumah aku? It’s Christmas eve?” tanyanya pada kelompok kecilnya yang berjumlah lima orang.

“Is it okay kalo kita nginep sekalian? Besok subuh kan kita harus nyiapin ibadah lagi sebelum semua jemaat datang.” Tanya sang ketua.

“Already prepared. Everything for Christmas.” Sahut Mikha antusias.

Made in Hell.

“What are you doing here?” semprot Mikha yang mendapati Damy ikut duduk di meja makan. “And you have brought your friends! Perfect!” sinisnya. Cyrus dan Keith duduk dengan hati bergidik.

“Heaven and Hell are full, God has sent me to earth, again. Hi there, temen-temennya Mikha, ini teman saya. And by the way, Mikha, I live in this house too. Then again, let’s have a wonderful breakfast.” Damy membalasnya dengan senyum terlebar.

“So… Acara natalan ngapain?” tanya Damian.

“Di kapel seharian. Kamu berniat ikut kami?” jawab si ketua choir tadi.

“No thanks, I have a six-hours party to host.”

“Oh ya? Pesta apa?”

“Black Christmas. You know, disco heaven theme, sinful saints, drag queen Pete, free-flow liquors and I am the DJ. Care to join?”

Tiga pria sebaya disebelah Mikha merapat sambil berbisik. Lalu si ketua tadi menengahi. “Kamu… Agamanya apa, Damian?”

Damy mendengus, “Please don’t start…”

Cyrus mengangkat dagunya, “He’s an atheist and so are we. Is this wrong? No. The only wrong thing of being an atheist is that there’s nobody to talk to during an orgasm. And note this, I PRAY. I NEVER FORGET MY GOD. I always scream His name every time I got a great great great climax.” Keith dan Damian serentak menahan hamburan tawanya.

“Beda jauh ya sama adik kembarnya, yang satu kaya malaikat, yang satu… muka tipikal pendosa.” Sahut salah satu dari mereka.

“Daripada temen elu, ujung-ujungnya homo juga.” Tembak Keith. Meja bulat besar itu pesertanya tiba-tiba diam semua.

Keith menyikut Damian. “Whoops, keceplosan. Orang kaya gitu ga bisa dibaikin. If the best revenge is to kill them with kindness, then I must be some kind of serial killer lately.” Bisiknya.

“Apa? Bener itu Mikha? Kamu tahu kan itu dosa besar?” sentak si ketua choir.

Leher Mikha serasa tercekat. “Errmm… But I do my best in church. Itu enggak kalian hitung?”

Keempat orang dimeja itu berbisik semakin tajam. Membuat Mikha makin terpojok dan Damian –sesungguhnya- merasa tak enak hati.

Damian loved Mikha, but Damian also didn’t like Mikha. “Now who’s lost?” mata itu menyudut seraya mendesis pada Mikha.

Keempatnya berdiri, mengambil jubah putih mereka masing-masing. “Mikha, sorry, you’re out of our choir. You have committed a sin. Do come back when your heart has been purified.” Kata si ketua.

Damian maju menhgampirinya. “Don’t bother to wait. Sing as you want, cuz in the end, I will be the DJ in your funeral.”

Keith dan Cyrus saling pandang tak enak hati.

Heaven can’t wait.

“Can I make it up for you?” tawar Damian dari pantulan sosok Mikha di kaca.

Tatapan Mikha layu. “No sweat. You’ve showed me their devilish faces, anyway.” Damian tetap merasa tak enak hati kepada kembarannya.

“Kamu tau, dari kecil aku paling suka main peran jadi malaikat. Pake sayap. Pake halo dari kawat. Pake jubah putih kebesaran.” Lirih Mikha.

“You have always been the angel… even I don’t believe in angel.” tambah Damian.

“Cuz they don’t exist?”

“Only one… his name is Mikhail. He’s always forgiving. He’s an angel compared to these family members”

Mikha tersenyum lebar. Ada sedikit celah dingin dalam bara permusuhan mereka setahun belakangan. “Heaven must be missing something… Cuz you’re an angel now.”

“Oh brother. I’m just being a saint for a day. I’m nothing compared to an angel. Hahaha.”

Damian masih merasa tak enak hati. “So… Christmas eve ini nganggur dong?”

“Maybe I’ll go to bed…”

“Or maybe not.” Damian memberikan leather gloves kesayangannya.

“You're gonna go to my party tonight, and blast your sins. After that, you can decide what do u want to be : a saint or a sinner.”

Mikha agak ragu. “When I say heaven can’t wait…. Well screw it, I don’t even know what heaven feels like, anyway.” Sigap dia memakai gloves kebesaran itu.

“Oiya kamu berangkat dulu aja.. I’ll be late to host the party.”

“Mau kemana, Damy?”


Mikha terbahak keras. “Like seriously?”

“Nyante aja, gua bukan niat tobat kok. I just find myself being thankful a bit, and who else I've got to say this to? Our super busy parents?” Damy menggenggam tangan kembarannya.

“By the way… Tau caranya doa gak elu, hayo…”

Mikha memutar bola matanya. “Ermm.. Maybe I’ll start with : Dear God, I’m a big fan of Your works…”


Cyrus dan Keith hanya bisa mangap di ujung bar. “Did I just see Mother Mary in disguise or that is just Male-Mary Magdalena in leather pants?” tunjuknya pada sosok Mikhail yang memasuki ruangan dengan aura luar biasa.

“From holy water to liquors…

From praying to self worshiping…

From a chapel to a dance floor…

From a choir to a disco heaven… Nanana…”


Sabtu, 19 November 2011

Chapter 60 : Northern Star

8 November 2011

Room 2301.

“Dean, five hundreds, enough?”

“Yep. In dollars. Thanks Bob.” Dia berdiri, keluar dari ranjang.

“Do you see my shirt?”

Bob meringis, “Here.” Lemparnya dengan nada malas. “You’re going somewhere else?”

“Just coffee-shop across the street. I’ll be back before midnight. Promise.”

“Better so. I wont let my boy-toy whoring around.”

“Don’t worry. Catch you up later.” Daun pintu itu ditutupnya.

Coffee Shop 24/7.

Have I die? Why do I want a muffin at 10pm? I don’t even have any appetite. What am I going to do here anyway? Ermm… Maybe that éclair could kill my bitter thought. Oh no, I don’t even wa… “Dean, ini mocha-latte kamu. Anything else?” barista didepannya membunuh monolog barusan.

“Yep. Satu muffin, satu éclair. Dan buat saya hot Americano. Quick please.” Senyum pria yang menyela pembicaraan mereka.

Dean memandangi adegan barusan dengan mimik mengerut. “Don’t worry, those pastries are for you. My treat.” Tambah pria barusan.

“Mocha-latte? Latte is a French word for : you just spent too much money on a coffee.”

Dean berhenti menenggaknya. “Americano? It means that you had a bad day.” Balasnya.

“Exactly. That’s why I bought you those pastries… nemenin saya ngobrol panjang semalaman di pojok meja itu. Do u mind?” senyumnya.

Dean terpaku pada tonjolan dada yang tersingkap dibalik kancing kemeja pada pria itu. Semenjak kecil, dia pernah berangan menemukan pria bertattoo bintang di dadanya, kemudian jatuh cinta dan menghabiskan sisa hidup bersamanya.

Dean has been expelled from his lovely strict-family years a go because he’s Gay, never been in love or being loved. But tonight, he falls in love, at first sight. It’s like a surprise ice, dropping on his neck from the wet tree. A men with star tattoo on his left chest, coming right to his life.

Dean doesn’t know what love is. All he knows, love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a sofa when there is plenty of room at both ends for hours.

“My... Grandma calls. I have to go home now. Errmm.. shall we meet again?” tukas Dean.

“Surely. I live on that building across the street. Room 1012. You can come anytime.”

Dean menggigit bibirnya, “Besok malam boleh?” pria itu mengangguk.

Malam itu Dean mengambil jalan memutar blok, menghindari kemungkinan satu lift dengan pria yang enggan menyebutkan namanya yang barusan membuatnya berbinar.

Room 2301.

Dean mengecup lembut pipi Bob. “Tell your blonde-wife I say hi. Have a safe flight, Bob.”

Bob terkekeh. “I’ll be at Melbourne for couple weeks. Hometown trip will be dull during winter. I prefer stay here and toying you for whole day.”

“Don’t be so demanding, I’m not even your boyfriend or lover.”

Bob menarik tangannya. “But I know deep down inside, you truly love me, don’t you Dean?”

Dean menatap mata biru itu. “You can read my mind then. Go now. Your cab is waiting.”

Bob tertawa, membuat perut buncitnya ikut bergetar. “Take good care of my penthouse while I’m gone, sweetie. I left cash on drawer.”

“And don’t be naughty.” Pesannya terakhir.

Room 1012.

Dean berdiri, mengamati ratusan foto yang tertempel di dinding ruang utama kamar itu. “Lebih mirip wall of fame yah…”

“Haha… I’m a full time backpacker. Dedicated my self to traveling around the world. Pernah kemana saja kamu, Dean?” tanyanya balik.

“Haha, I’m just 22 years old boy. Not going to college and have to do part time job. So, lavish trip isn’t my priority.”

“Backpacker means.. u don’t have to spend so much money for trip. Just like ordering Americano instead of Latte.” Dean lagi-lagi tertawa dibuatnya.

“I’ll tell you a secret… just pretend to some people that you’re National Geographic reporter or crew can take you to many forbidden places. Like this one…” Tunjuknya pada foto dirinya disebuah kuil sepi.

“My next trip would be Saigon. Mau ikutkah?”

Dean menunduk. “I don’t have the guts. Maybe someday…”

“Hei, I see a tattoo yesterday, is that… a star?” tanya Dean ragu.

Pria tinggi berkulit terbakar dan bertubuh tegap itu membuka kancing kemejanya perlahan. “Yep. A North-Star tattoo. I made it on Tibet. Do u like it?” dia membolehkan telapak tangan Dean menyentuhnya.

Jantung Dean berdegup kencang. At one second, he thinks that universe is playing some kind of cosmic joke to him. “The best I’ve ever seen so far. Apa artinya memang?”

“A five-pointed Nautical Star of mariner’s chart is found on the compass, straight up at the north position. Dan ini adalah simbol untuk menemukan jalan pulang dan keberuntungan.”

Pria itu mengambil nafasnya lagi. “Disebut juga Polaris. Kamu tahu kan Northern Star sebagai acuan bagi para petualang dunia, supaya mereka tidak tersesat. And it’s metaphor of a Hope.”

Bibir Dean kaku. Skenario dunia macam apa yang meletakkan dia dalam posisinya saat ini. “I would have that tattoo someday…”

“Nope you wont. Kamu lebih pantas dapat julukan ‘shooting star’.”

“Kenapa begitu?”

“I’ve been around the world… Meet millions of people. Looking for the brightest star. Now he’s standing in front of me. The cutest guy I’ve ever seen in my life. Just like a shooting star that strikes my sight.”

“Can I kiss you, Dean?” ijinnya sambil mulai mendekap perlahan.

“I’m all yours…Northern Star.” Getarnya.


“Good morning… I should go back home now.” Kecupnya lembut. Agak lama namun hangat.

“Morning Dean. Enggak mandi dulu disini?”

Dean menggeleng. “I have some task to do.”

“By the way, the name is Jake. Jake Tham.”

Dean berhenti menggelungkan shawl pada lehernya. “You don’t seem anything like Jake. I’ll name you Michael.” Keduanya terkekeh, sebelum kemudian berpencar pergi.

Loby 10th floor.

What’s your biggest decision? I mean, crazy decision. Maybe tonight I’ll tell him that I love him. If he loves me back, I’ll leave Bob, burry my past and start over my life with him.

Or maybe I’ll be with him, traveling around the world. Going to Cambodia, India, and Johannesburg. Morning on Toronto and night on Seattle. Just maybe.

I’m going to open this door and widely smile then saying, “Hi Jake. I’m coming with you to Saigon next month.”

The door’s open. “You seem busy there, Jake…”

Jake terkesiap, namun tak terlihat panik. “You can join us if u like, Dean. Come’ on. Threesome is great…” Ajaknya. Pria yang sibuk bercumbu dengannya menyimpulkan senyum lembut. Mengangguk setuju.

Dean tertawa lepas. “Haha… I’ll pass. You know what… Have fun, you two.”

Malam itu, jiwa Dean serasa runtuh. Ribuan bintang jatuh serasa menubruk hatinya. Bintang utara sebagai pedoman harapannya, telah mengkhianatinya.

Dia hanya bisa terduduk menangis sunyi di lobi seberang.

Room 2301.

“I… Just want to take this money… and get out of town.” Lagu itu kemudian dimatikannya. Sudah siang, saatnya order makanan, sesudah itu sorenya ikut kelas yoga. Begitupun besoknya. Dan besoknya lagi. Demi Tuhan, kenapa dia begitu teratur setahun belakangan? Gara-gara terpengaruh tabiat Bob mungkin? Atau tante socialite kamar 2302 yang gemar belanja dari pagi sampai sore dengannya. Dean tidak tahu.

He’s lying in his bed and thinking: Is this Dean? Am I really alive? Am I really here? Or is this all just a massive dream of life?

Dean spontan mengecek laci kamarnya, dibawah tumpukan kaus kakinya, dimana uangnya selama ini tertumpuk. “Lima ribu enam ratus tiga puluh dollar.”

Okay, langkah selanjutnya, menelepon teman baiknya. “Hi Cyrus, could you accompany me to travel exhibition this afternoon?”

Coffee Shop S.

“Hadehh Dean, berani amat elu langsung beli one way ticket ke Thailand. Ga mau balik lu?”

“I don’t have any home or address, anyway. Hehe. I’ll be fine.”

Cyrus tertunduk lesu. “Gara-gara Jake kan ini?”

Dean menyesap Americano pertamanya. Hambar, namun melekat. “Engga juga Baby-Cy. Gua emang butuh langkah besar. Udah lama gua ngumpet di comfort-zone. Umur gua juga menipis, enggak nambah. With this first step, I’ll let life surprise me. I’ll be fine.”

Cyrus menepuk bahunya. “Someday, you’ll fine someone better than Bob or Jake. Sometimes, the person you want the most is the person you’re best without.”

Dean tersenyum. “Yea, gua akan menemukan pria bertattoo bintang, lagi dan lagi. I would never give up.”

“So why Thailand?”

“As I read on guide book, gua bakal coba tidur di kuil-kuil sambil semedi. Ikut menyapu pelataran kuil biar dapet nasi. Ketemu banyak orang. Wouldn’t that be exciting?” Dean tersenyum. Cyrus sering terpukau dengan wajah Dean jika tersenyum. Seperti Venus diufuk sana.

“Dan Cyrus, setelah ke Thailand, gua bakal terus ke utara. Mungkin Cambodia, mungkin India. Atau suatu hari di Alaska. You will never know, neither do I.”

“What a way to find home… Sigh. Just let me know where you are. Don’t leave me clueless, will you? You know my emails.”

Dean mengangguk. “You wont be lonely aren’t you?”

Cyrus tersenyum sejuk. “My Mom once said, when you’re feeling lonely, look up at the moon. Somewhere, someone is staring at the same moon, feeling lonely too.”

Dean memeluknya. “Okay. Five hours remain. Before my flight.”

“First flight to home?”

“I’ll be home…” senyum Dean untuk terakhir kalinya sebelum pamit.


Rabu, 28 September 2011

Chapter 59 : Que Sera Sera

26 September 2011
The Future.
“He is my future…” Jawab Chang sambil mengelus lembut kepala Brody yang tertidur di pangkuannya.
Saya masih gak ngerti, Peter Chang yang begitu obsesif dan agresif soal karirnya tiga tahun lalu, sekarang sudah berubah drastis. “You gave up your world for him?” tanya saya lagi.
“All my life, I’ve been chasing my future, luckily I nailed it. I realized that I’m getting older, not younger. I’m forty-five for god’s sake. Then came the biggest question I ever had in my life : what’s next?”
“Him?" tunjuk saya. "How?” tanya saya, masih belum menemukan jawaban yang saya mau.
Chang tergelak sambil menyesap espresso-nya. “Life is a surprise. It always is. Brody datang disaat saya sibuk bertanya pada diri sendiri. Di saat kami saling membutuhkan. Di saat dia dibuang dari dunianya bersamaan dengan saya yang ingin membuang dunia sebelumnya.”
Chang membelainya lagi. “Seumur hidup saya berjuang demi kehidupan yang lebih baik. Sekarang waktunya untuk memberinya kehidupan yang lebih baik. Menjadi rangkapan dua sosok yang tak pernah dikenalnya. Mendedikasikan dan meletakkan semua masa depan saya ke hidupnya.”
Saya jadi ikut membelai Brody. “Would u like to have one someday?” tanyanya. Dan pertanyaan itu pun Menghantui saya hingga beberapa menit kemudian.

Dear Jade.
Dear my future Jade. My future daughter. Do I really want you, someday?
To be honest, you’re not on top of my list, not on my wish list, and not even in my future picture.

But if I had you…
I’d give up my whole world for you, completely. For you, only you.
I’ll let you sit and watch you pray in silence, pray to the Mighty God, letting you choose your own religion.
I’ll sit, waiting for you in family room then hugging you at the 101st day after for the 100th days you becoming a little brat teenager. Then all I can say is, “It’s all forgiven. You’re still my little girl.”
I’ll rub your fully loaded belly and let you sleep on my lap.
I’ll smile. Widely. Every time I see you, I'll smile, even if I'd had a bad day.
I’ll give you everything you need, but not everything you want. Cuz Jade, everything you want is not everything you need.
My happiest moment would be your piano recital day (or maybe your wedding day). Or maybe when you kiss my forehead without any reason.
My saddest moment will be the “I hate you, Daddy! I hate you!” line. And when you don’t talk to me without telling me any reason.
And whether you are gay or not, it would not make any difference to me. My love for you will exactly be the same.
Love. I might not be able to find my true love, ever. But I’ll give you my true love, the unconditional love. And slowly I’ll teach and show you what love is.
My love for you will be like a flood.
And Jade… I'd had never won any trophy nor medals, but you are more than a trophy to me.

Let it Be.
Saya masih bengong ketika telunjuk saya ditangkap jemari Brody kecil. Mungkin membiarkannya memainkannya adalah pilihan bijak. “Kamu mau coba gendong dia, Chris?”
“Ermmm…. Boleh. Why not.” Gagap saya sambil memangku anak umur tiga tahun itu.
“Uncle uncle uncle.” Senyumnya lebar sambil mencoba mencium jemari saya. Sebuah salam kenal darinya barangkali.
“Chang, suatu hari kamu bakal bilang ke dia tentang adopsi ini? tentang orangtuanya yang junkie? Tentang… Semuanya?”
Chang menaikkan bahunya. “Que sera sera, Chris. Whatever will be, will be.”
Lalu seakan Brody menangkap lirik itu. Bergumam kecil terpatah sambil berusaha menyanyikan sebait liriknya untuk kami.
“When I was just a little boy
I asked my Father ‘What will I be?’
Will I be handsome? Will I be rich?
Here’s what he said to me…
Que sera, sera.
Whatever will be, will be.
The future not ours to see
Que sera, sera…
Whatever will be, will be.”
Saya berkaca-kaca. I remember that song, it was my childhood anthem!
“Thanks Little handsome Brody. Uncle Chris loves you.” Kecup saya ke dahinya.
Ah and Jade, I’ll teach you that song. Totally


Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Chapter 58 : Ex-tasy.

3 August 2011

The sweetest drug.

“What if your ex-boyfriend is now back to the market?” tanya Cyrus.

“I bet he’s more expensive now.” Wait. Did Cyrus just asked bout my ex?

“Exactly! NO! it’s my ex. My very first ex.”

“Ahh.. Kobe…” Ingatan saya langsung merujuk pada sosok tinggi besar muka ala jepang yang membuang Cyrus demi seonggok daging dungu bernama ‘another dumbo’.

“It’s been three years already! Bukannya udah finish?” tanya saya.

“Not my revenge…”

Dia sibuk dengan browsernya, “He got a new soon-to-be-mistress!”

Saya menyesap mocha saya sambil senderan males. “Can you blame him?”

“Aww.. He’s hot. Hotter than you, baby Cy.” Komen saya.

“Right. The whole point of facebook is so you can see if you’re hotter than your ex’s new lover.” Sahut Keith yang tiba-tiba nyelonong.

“Keith! You should be on my side!”

“Can you blame me?” Lari! Siap-siap disiram hot tea.


Right before I sleep, I can’t stop wonder : Has Cyrus got over his ex? Has Cyrus buried all the memory with his first ex? Has he moved on?

Two things I hate the most : 1.) The new lover of an ex. 2.) The ex of a new lover.

Buat saya, mantan pertama berasa ecstasy (pada enam bulan pertama sebelum akhirnya move on betulan). He was my first kiss, my first cuddle, my first on everything. How could I get rid of that feeling within weeks/months?

It’s like the first time you on drugs : ADDICTIVE. Walau akhirnya merusak. I thought I was having a disease, and he was my cure. I thought he saved me, turned out he killed me instead.

I don’t regret my past. I just regret the time I wasted with the wrong person. I invested my heart to the wrong person. I sold myself in the wrong market. Can’t blame anybody. Can I ?

Paling enggak Keith enggak kaya saya. Dia belajar banyak dari setiap break-up-experience. His last ex, Mr.Busy-Billy contohnya. Selesai ya selesai. Walau selesainya enggak enak.

“Hon, like my Mom said : an Ex is called an Ex cuz it is an Example of what you shouldn’t have again in the future. Dalam hal ini, gw benci orang sibuk.” Hmm. He got a point.

“Ga mau ngalah dikit gitu ya?” tanya saya di telepon.

“No way! I am me. I’m not willing to change for anybody or anyone. Take me as I am or watch me as I go.” Damn. I wish I was that strong.

Now who needs a rehab?

Cyrus datang dengan muka sumringah. “I think the hell just froze over…” Keith sampai heran.

“Elu-elu pada tau ga gua ngapain kemaren?” Kami angkat bahu.

“Gua samperin tuh si calon nyonya Kobe di gym. Gua ajak kenalan. Gua salaman sambil bilang : oh by the way, you are dating my ex. Well done, I ate half a doughnut earlier, you want the leftover too?”


“Oh is Kobe your ex?”

“No Donovan, that creature is the biggest mistake of my life.”

“Don’t worry, saya cuma ngedate kok sama dia semingguan ini. Kita belum resmi.”

“Well, then keep waiting, Donny. Itu jeleknya dia, suka ngegantungin orang. Old habit dies hard.”

Donovan memegang pundaknya. “Sebenernya bukan karena itu sih kita enggak jadian…”

Cyrus menaruh dumbbell nya. “Tell me all...”

“Don’t laugh but… We’re both Top.”

Bahahhahaa! Epic! “Phftt… Oh! Okay!” mati-matian Cyrus menahan tawanya.

“Kamu taulah… Pas di ranjang ga ada yang mau ngalah. Sampe akirnya kita gontok-gontokan. Bugil berujung masuk angin doang. Dan entah kenapa dia masih ngejar juga.”

“Well that’s him… A champion kinda men. Dan elu salah satu medali yang belum dia dapetin.”

Cyrus meliriknya lagi. “You know what… Kita bisa buat dia ilfil seketika sama kamu…”

Donovan sepertinya mengerti arti mata itu. “I’m interested… Go on…”

“Why don’t we make love? Atau paling enggak ngobatin masuk angin kamu kemarin. I’m pure bottom and I think you’re uber hot.”

Donovan tersenyum panjang. “Only if u agree to send him our dirty pic on bed. Then I am yours tonight and the another nights, you little hot stuff.”

“Ahhh… You read my mind. How I love my life.” Mereka bersalaman lagi.

“And by the way, Cyrus… Mine is better than your ex’s, and fresher than your next’s.”

“Uwhh… I can see that…” Cyrus melirik bawahan Donovan.


“Terus gua email foto itu ke dia dengan tagline : You’re exactly where you belong… IN MY PAST!”

“Nasty slut! Bahahaha!” Keith dan saya ngakak keras.

“That explains why u look happy tonight.”

“Right! Now who needs a rehab If you could trade drugs over a new candy?!”

“Kobe pasti bakal benci banget sama elu setelah ini.”

“Can you blame me, Chris?” wink.