Rabu, 03 April 2013

Chapter 67 : The Mighty Heart.

Struggle in our hearts.

“So I heard you have a boyfriend now?” buka saya, menerka dan memastikan.

“Official one? Like, seriously?” Cyrus memicing tak percaya.

Keith mengangguk. “Correct. And correct. Any further question will be sorted right into trash-bin. Shall we eat now?”

Can’t. Details required. This is the first time I meet u since last month. Where have you been?”

“You guys, please behave, he’s watching us.” Bisiknya. Tak lama kemudian Ken mengantar sendiri satu set large variety sashimi.

Ada semacam jarak dan sunyi ketika adegan barusan terjadi. Ken tersenyum canggung, mengangguk sebentar sambil kemudian pamit kembali ke pantry. “Itadakimasu.”

“Since when bear guy being the most desirable latest spring accessories?” sambar saya sambil tersenyum lebar.

“He more looks like Mighty Joe Young rather than Paddington Bear. Or a club bouncer.” Sindir Cyrus.

“Your guy is every gay’s dream! Solid body, cute accent, tanned skin. I approve! Be happy my Keith!” We almost hug.

Keith mengunyah suapan pertamanya. “Oh Chris, belum aku cerita soal sex ya. Oh gosh, the best in my life! For your ears only, guys, I do bareback with him.”

“Whoaa awesome! So you can get herpes the next time you dial me. Did you mistake his penis for his face again?” sindir Cyrus yang kedua.

Kami terdiam semua. Keith berdiri tegas. “This is my gathering and my treat-night. And if you’re going to ruin mine, you better get the hell out.”

I was stoned. This is going to be a war. I better chop another slice and sit pretty. 

“Do you know why I hate it? Kamu udah jarang ngumpul, kuliah juga bolos terus, konsultasi skripsi juga gak datang. I feel like fisting your boyfriend’s head for bring out the worst of you! You say relationship? Well, u don’t need one! Cause you! Are! Getting worse! Every time you’re attached with a guy! And bareback sex? Really? Screw you for being such a priest about safe sex to us all this time!”

“Out! I don’t need your approval!” Mata Keith meradang.
Yes. This is the first war. And I have a feeling this is gonna be long and cold one.

Big Heart.

Ken mengelap sisa busa pasta gigi di pipi Keith sambil kemudian menciumnya. “Cheer up my bunny… You know I won’t let you go.”

“Look at us, are you enjoying the view?” tatapnya di kaca.

“I see a Perfection. Just like what I’ve been dreaming. Hugging a boy that I love with all my heart, every single night.” Ken tersenyum lebar. It’s easy to see that he’s saying the truth.

Pelukan Ken makin erat. “We are the definition of perfect couple. We’re just not in perfect situation.” Batin Keith, mematut kaca lama. Capturing this kinda moment.

“I want to stay like this… Forever.” Ken tak menyahut kali ini.

“Can you promise that to me, Ken-Bear?”
Ken menunduk, menyandarkan dagunya pada bahu Keith. “I’m tired… Can we sleep now?”

Bagi Keith, malam selalu berlalu lambat di kamar Ken. Keith terjaga dengan menikmati setiap detiknya memandangi Ken yang mendengkur. Ada kala kadang Ken mengigau marah dalam bahasa tanah airnya, Keith hanya perlu menepuk pipinya perlahan dan semua seakan membaik.

Tepat jam dua pagi dan ponselnya berbunyi pelan. “I’m such a bad bitch. I apologize. I don’t want to be judge or God. I just want to be your best-friend.”

“Call me in a minute, bad bitch.” ketiknya membalas.

Keith sudah dibalkon dengan sleeveless-tee Ken yang kedodoran di tubuhnya. “This is good bitch talking. Kenapa bad-bitch?”

“Hm... I know that anger tone. I apologize, Keith. I just miss u, I guess… Jadinya begini deh.”

“Missing me?”

“Ingat janji kita bakal wisuda barengan? Dan lainnya?”

Keith duduk bersandar pada teralis balkon. “I’m afraid that’s not gonna happen.”

“See… Kuliah aja sekarang kamu jarang. Bimbingan skripsi juga skip melulu. Ok sorry for the judge, can’t hold it. But why? Why?”

“Cuz I have decided.”

“Decided what?” pekik Cyrus diujung sana.

“To spend the next six months with Ken. Before he leaves for good to Japan.”

“He’s only in Indonesia for six months? That’s the point! He’s leaving!”

“You really need combo jab on your both eyes, don’t you?”

“Oops sorry again. I didn’t mean it. Ayolah Keith… Ga bisa disambi skripsinya? Aku bantu deh ngetik semuanya, kamu tinggal kasih konsep. Mumpung belum telat.”

“Wow! I will forgive you if you’re willing to do that…”

“Damn my big mouth. But yeah, I will. I really care about you. You and Chris are the only true friends I have. If I have to eat horse shit to save this friendship, I would.”

“Hmm… Menarik…”

“No way !! Not a chance in hell !” umpat Cyrus.

Pertanyaan itu keluar juga. “Keith, kalo boleh nanya… Why him? Why Ken?”

“Everybody loves big dick. But I love big heart.”

Keith melanjutkan kalimatnya. “I just dropped one or two tears here, but Cyrus I swear, he’s a good-sincere guy. He’s caring, he’s making me happy and he fulfills my fantasy. He’s everything. ”

“If you said so… Then you have my bless.” Suara Cyrus terdengar penuh haru diujung sana.

“Thanks for opening your heart for us.”

Cyrus melembut. “That’s the least I can do. Be happy my pal. Be happy.”

“Besok bimbingan skripsi jam berapa? I’ll be there.”

“Abis lunch kita jemput yah.”

“Bye for now. Thanks for all.”

Heart of the matter.

“Good morning, Bunny.” Kecup Ken lembut. Membangunkan Keith seketika.

“I smell a mango-pancake.”

“I made double, as usual.”

“You’re so thoughtful.”

Ken membopong tubuh Keith dan mendudukannya di meja makan. “Before you eat, I have something for you to be remembered.”

Mereka berhadapan. Ken memandu kedua tangan Keith, meletakkan tangan kiri Keith pada pelipis kanan kepalanya, kemudian tangan kanan Keith di dadanya. “Let this be our magic spell : Here I am, Bunny. I’m in your head. I’m in your heart.”

Belum pernah Keith tersenyum selebar itu sebelumnya. Wajahnya sumringah, ganti mengulang gerakan Ken barusan pada dirinya. “Here I am Ken-Bear. I’m in your head. I’m in your heart.”

“I love you.”

“I know. I love you more.” Bisik Ken.

-by : C