Jumat, 19 Maret 2010

Chapter 18 : Kinky Fantasy

March 1st, 2010

(dedicated to the kinkiest-BDSM lover- Mr.Jo-Chan)

Fabrice duduk di kursi 2+2 kami sambil menceritakan betapa sex terakhirnya begitu menyiksa. “I thought handcuffs was kinky and sexy, tapi kalo pas diborgol dan elu mepet tembok terus pejantan elu tetep nyeruduk tanpa henti. Guess what happened ?”

“What? BDSM always sexy in your fantasy kan ?” kata saya.

“Enggak kalo kepala elu kebentur2 tembok bermenit-menit sementara pejantan elu merem aja dan mengira AH-UH-AH elu itu pertanda enak. Gua berasa kaya disiksa ibu tiri !!”

Keith ngakak, “The pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable, baby !! I always hate BDSM !”

“Tau gitu gua kan ML pake tangan aja, Keith !”

“Masturbation is only for desperate and pathetic people, Hon.”

“Well, at least the good thing about masturbation is that you don't have to get dressed up for it!!!” tambah saya.

“Kenapa fantasy elu kudu kinky sih, Fab? Wig, scarf, handcuffs. What’s next? Feather?” Cyrrus jadi bergidik sendiri.

Fabrice jadi sumringah, “Been there, done that ! Well recommended !”

Cyrrus tambah ngeri, “Euch Fab.. Euchhh..”

“Baby Cy, Kinky is using a feather. Perverted is using the whole chicken. That’s me, kinky! U have to try feather!” Fab tak terima kalau Kinky dinilai aneh. Bagi dia, fantasy orang kan beda-beda.

Tapi kami jadi ngeri sama ini botti, mau gituan aja pake alat-alat sama skenario duluan. 

What’s next ? Naugty salesman with big-batik book and slutty customer? LoL

“It doesn't matter what you do in the bedroom as long as you don't do it in the street and frighten the dogs.” Tambah Fabrice lagi. 

Kami ngakak. Way to go, sister!


Fabrice kembali ke topik semula. “Jadi, gua mutusin buat enggak ML lagi sama si sexy hunky Koh Jim itu.”

Cyrrus merengut, “Moron! Gua aja rela kalo seluruh tubuh gua ditimpa atau dijedotin. He’s a catch!”

“But the sex was bad ! He’s so selfish in sex ! Abis cum, langsung ke pantry, minum beer terus mandi. And me ? Still stuck with my handcuffs ! That butthead, erghh !!”

Cyrrus memainkan matanya tak percaya si sexy hunky Jimmy itu segitunya. Coba aja Cyrrus type dia. Ngelayanin fantasy si Jimmy ML di dalam kardus bekas kulkas juga ayuk aja. “Stupid you, Fab.”

“Listen to me Baby Cy, There's nothing better than good sex.  But bad sex?  A  peanut butter and jelly sandwich is better than bad sex.”

Kami setuju kalau itu!




2 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

disiksa ibu tiri???hahahaha..this is hillarious..

post yg ini bagus..banyak quote2 yg lucu2..

wah..u guys are so lucky..bisa macarin sexy hunky..

but bad sex by michaelangelical body???ohhh..that's the worst sin..it's contagious but dangerous!!!

i love this post..

"Well, at least the good thing about masturbation is that you don't have to get dressed up for it!"

Anonim mengatakan...

disiksa ibu tiri???hahahaha..this is hillarious..

post yg ini bagus..banyak quote yg lucu abis n bagus2..

bad sex by super hunk??well..i guess it's true that nobody's perfect..it shows us that true love has nothing to do with physical things..
