Senin, 06 September 2010


August 29, 2010


Zero Puberty

Dulu, waktu masih kecil, saya tanya Mama. “Andropause apa sih??”

Then she said, “Ask ur Dad. Its not Women thing.” But since I don’t get along with my Dad, I better keep that question to myself.

Until one day, I know what Andropause is..


The 1st Puberty

Kalo inget jaman teenager dulu, rasanya kok tengsin yah. Mellow-mellow ga jelas gara-gara kesepian ga ada cinta. Apaan sih !! Haishh !!

Kalo dulu ngeliat percintaan orang, rasanya kaya “Heavenly Sweet” sampe-sampe tai kucing berasa coklat. Yang coklat manis malah berasa tai kucing. 

Sekarang udah bisa maintain perasaan. Labil dikit boleh-lah. But don’t show ur emotion to people. It’s a weakness. They will read you easily.

Kalo dulu rasanya horny melulu. Kawin sama tangan melulu. Sekarang malah kadang bosen kalo mau “gini-gitu” sama yang beneran.

Blehhh!! Its just like, “Not my priorities anymore, dude!” sex can be bored sometimes.

Then u got the real love, from the real one. Rasanya disitu semua emosi memfusi. Lalu habis. Sampai dimana ada titik jenuh. “I’m done with this drama.”

Until u say… “Cape. Want to rest my heart for a while.”

Then you are hiding in your comfort zone. 

Too comfy till you don’t know what’s going on out there.

Till you don’t know who is going down, and who is moving up.

Till one day…


The 2nd Puberty

There he is !

Bedroom-Bathroom-Desk Work-Canteen-Parking Area-Bathroom-Dinner on Bedroom-Hello Badroom.

What a cycle !

Wait, what’s missing? 

Where’s my dreams: Wake up and smooching my hubby’s chest, then showering together. After that, we’re heading to the different office, and sex-ting to release the stressed-out after lunch break at canteen.

Showering again. Fine dining on casual restaurant, then he will be my dessert on bed. HALLO SWEETDREAM!

Every men’s dream is to achieve three goals : Emotionally Mature, Financially Mature, and Sexually Mature.

And the men that I’m going to tell u, just got the Financially Mature achievement.

He forgets what are the rules to get the hot one onto your bed.

He forgets how to tease, licking, and playing your nipples.

And not to mention…

He forgets how to play his dick and what is it for !!

“Com’on Dick! Make me proud of you, just this moment! I really want to get laid tonight!”

And he’s still wondering, “Sekarang gaya ML paling enak apa ya? Is missionary still on the hot track?”

Sebenernya ini orang ga se-pathetic itu sih. Sempet kagum juga sama satu statement dia : “Don’t you ever say that you COMPLETE ME ! Pacar enggak bakal bisa bikin hidup kamu komplit. Hidupmu harus komplit dulu tanpa siapapun. Dan baru setelah itu, seseorang akan datang untuk menemanimu menjalaninya.”

Ermmm.. That’s true, Sir. Tapi buat pria –Fourty Something- seperti anda, peluangnya makin kecil. Ibarat ikan, kolam anda untuk berenang dan cari ikan sejenis, bakalan lebih kecil dan cetek.

“I’ll jump into another fishpond, then” Saya cuma bisa ngangguk-ngangguk ngantuk ngedengerin dia nyerocos sendiri.


Friday, Cyrrus was checking out his facebook message.

One new message-open :

Hi sinyo.. 

Manis banget kamu. Sini main ke rumah Om, ada banyak permen lho. Mau minta apa juga Om kasih. Rumah Om deket kok di daerah pusat.

SMS-in ke Om nomer hape kamu ya. Nanti Om jemput.



“WOOOOAANJEEEEEENG!” lantang Cyrrus di coffee-shop disaksikan saya dan Keith yang kemudian ikut mem-block si Om itu.



1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

nice post!!!!
i like it...