May 1st 2010
Ray masih virgin !
Jadi kami buatkan dia target biar cepet-cepet dibuka segel-nya.
Nyewain smokin-hot gigolo waktu ultahnya? Cheesy.
Atau jerumusin dia ke lembah prostitusi? Hihi.. ANOTHER CHEESY PLOT !
Pokoknya itu anak harus dibobol sebelum akhir taun ya. Kalo perlu, mulai detik ini, kita buat SALES MARKETING TEAM buat dia ah !
Kalo sampe akhir taun enggak sampe target, saya mau fisting paksa tuh pantat pake tugu monas !
“Lu kira gampang cari the right one who deserves my virginity?” kata Ray.
“Heh ! Lu kira gampang cari orang waras yang mau nyogok elu!” minta ditampol deh si Keith.
“Why sex? Engga ada cara lain ya ngelepas virginity? Lomba main Chess mungkin?” Lanjut Ray.
“Uler tangga aja sekalian !!”
“Cuzz… Sex is the best and the fastest way to get to know someone, dear my cutie nun!” simpul saya.
“But I want the best one. Koko2 putih, sexy, dan ga bakal selingkuh.. uwhh. Ada ga sih? Kalo ada, perawanin gua sekarang dahhh.”
“Kalopun ada ya, gua udah ngaku-ngaku sama itu koko2 kalo gw masih virgin. Terus waktu digituin, gua pura-pura ngerang kesakitan. Sok rapet. Padahal lagi gigitin bibir keenakan.. HAHAHAHAH!”
“Elu masih virgin, Cy? Lobang elu aja udah kayak terowongan Casablanca noh!”
“Keithhh ! Plakkk !”
Thanks God we don’t have vagina and a thing called “hymen” atau selaput dara itu ya.
We can lie maaaany times to fake our virginity without any trace like blood to our Men.
Bener kata Cyrrus, engga ada yang tahu kok kita ini virgin atau enggak. Kecuali mantan fuck-buddy dan celana dalam bekas malem laknat itu. Hehehe..
So.. I played that game like, twice. Pretended as a virgin and IT DOUBLED THE FUN !!!
Bisik dia setelah many scenes, “Oh yeah! Yours so tight, the best I’ve ever done!”
Uuwwh, I’m flattered, Monsieur. U just don’t know what my ass has been through. LoL
So. Yes I’m a virgin to the person that doesn’t really know me and wants to do me later !
YES I AM ! Do me gently then! I don’t want to be bleeding. Haha..
Tapi ada juga sih nemu cerita seorang TOP yang punya prinsip, “IF THE SEAL IS BROKEN, I WON’T BUY”
What kind of selfish jerk is that? I don’t get it.
I assume the only virgin left is still sitting at junior school and wondering where does the baby come from? Ass or Vagina?
In this Lady Gaga’s era? Com’on!
Even Granny Madonna can’t act “like a virgin” anymore.
Back to Ray’s Slutina Project. Ini udah mau tutup tahun yaa, tapi kok itu anak tetep milih-milih. Maunya apa sih.
“Teman-teman, maaf, target tahun ini belum tutup.”
“Just give me one good reason, Ray. Why are you still keeping your virginity?” tanya saya.
“Mmm.. for me, virginity is like a balloon. One prick, and it’s gone forever.”
Saya dan Cyrrus manggut-manggut. Salut deh kalo begitu.
“Oh, jadi elu butuh tukang jualan balon name PRICK to do you?” aww, cynical Keith, I love it.
“Hey. I’m a virgin! Cari’in doong. Ya Chris yaa? Ya Keith yaa?” Cyrrus beyotch.
“Yeah u’re a virgin. And we are Lady Gaga and Beyonce in blue skin from planet called PANDORA !!” muackkh Keith!
1 komentar:
This blog is just simply fabulous. Love it!
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