Jumat, 12 Maret 2010

Chapter 17 : Bad Publication!

March 10, 2010


I am in RAGE!

Gara-gara waktu lagi gym, temen-temen pada rame di bbm ngomongin cover-story  gay nite yang minggu lalu kami datangin di sebuah club.

Disitu rasanya kaum kami seperti di-diskreditkan. Seolah-olah kami ini melanggar semua norma di dunia gitu ya. Sampe dipojokin sebegitunya. Kaya party-nya buka-buka an aja. Masuk iklan billboard aja kagag !

Emang kenapa kalo ada gay party? Kena charge apa?? Kena pasal ayat berapa? Ga ada kan?

Mendingan itu ‘pervert journalist’ ngebahas rencana rancangan undang-undang “DILARANG GAY PARTY” dulu deh, baru silahkan mojokin kita.

And who are you? The one and the only normal person on this earth ??

Mr.Journalist, can u describe what normal is ? Why should be normal ? Since when abnormal becomes a sin ?

And geez, bahasa anda itu ya, amatiran banget. Nulis lagu JAI HO aja jadi JAI HOE. Mungkin maksud dia lagu “cangkul-cangkul yang dalam”. Dan bahasa-bahasa lainnya, very veeery conservative (in negative way !).

Terus dia bahas kalo kita eksis di café-café tertentu.

So? Ga boleh? Jadi yang abnormal harus ke sanatorium atau minimal sudut jalan remang-remang gitu?

We pay the food, the service, and they are fine with it.

So the problem is in your head, kan? Who’s the moron in here, anyway?

Bad writing, Mr.Journalist ! You just write from what you see and from ur point of view only.

You are friggin shallow.

You better wait for ur turn, shut the door, and do your own business !!


Keith >> Kenapa sih ga yang lesbian-lesbian atau waria ajaaa gitu sekali-kali yang dibahas. Kenapa harus selalu binan ?

Cyrrus >> Oh lord be mercy! Pic kita dari belakang jadi cover story !

Chris >> SHITTTTT !!!! Those are our heads  !!!!

I think I know who did this ! That silent Men who sits behind us !

(Masih gondokan, masih shock lihat korannya sampe saat ini. That day, my parents couldn't find the newspaper cuz I’m hiding it.)


1 komentar:

Anonim mengatakan...

wow u have "Go Blog", cool writing style anyway.
I'm just wondering why were u so upset about your back head got shot and published in the paper? I read in the Suara Merdeka, and as a gay I felt nothing but sorry abt the content of the event which exposed such inappropriate misdemeanor like giving "sawer" in return of touching the dancers' dicks (i would NEVER do that for 1 billion USD :-(, or having sex in the restroom.
Nothing wrong with the so-called st8 people's point of view, people tend to perceive the world not at it is, buy as they are.