February 17, 2010
Akhir-akhir ini, saya geraaah banget! Kita yang diam-diam aja, kelakuannya kalem-kalem aja, tiba-tiba disamain sama para binan yang kelakuannya pada minus.
Satu kasus yang membuat saya punya pikiran begitu. Seminggu lalu, saya kenal mantan gay yang sekarang udah married, trust me, he has an excellent record. Bersih banget hidupnya! Tiba-tiba kami ketemu di gym dan dia bilang, “Era sekarang, kalian bertiga ga ikut-ikutan pose foto ala fierce ga jelas, nulis ala alay di facebook, dan ga pake skinny jeans warna shocking-yellow kan?”
Maluuu banget ditanyain senior panutan saya begitu. Padahal saya enggak ada sangkut pautnya sama kelakuan macam waria birahi begitu.
I am gay! But I still have manners and dress properly!
And this is my blogspot, so I have rights to write anything. So by now, I’ll tell what are my opinions about those friggin faggots :
ALAY-en :
wahai anak-anak layangan. U’re gay enough, maybe u’re not cute, but don’t ever try to be cute in the way u write texts. It hurts my eyes!
Beep beep beep! I’m a human from earth, what language do u speak, alay-en? Beep beep! Speak to me with the same language!
So, don’t ever texts me with “Wiuww, gy ngaph ko? Sbux gx? K4n9333nn”
Coz I will text u back with “Heh? Lu pengap? Starbucks? Apaan tuh binary code?” (in many case, I will never reply ur message).
y4Ng Tul!s4Ny4 B36!ni ?
U think that’s cute? Hell no, alay-en!
Color-Blinded Gay :
Boys with : weird shades/sunglasses, baju tabrak warna, and hot pants mixed with fur coat? BIG HEEEHHH? I will scream this word out loud “Yeah people, Gaga is in da haussse!” (Gaga, I love u, sorry =p)
Itu dark-pink, sayang! Bukan Red Valentino!
Camwhore exorcism :
Those combination was captured on a pic, dengan berbagai gaya aneh lainnya. Kaki disilangin ala pose fierce lah. Menclok di jeruji pagar pake bibir mencucu. Ada yang ngepot, ngesot, ngencrot, melotot, melata. Aw mi gadh!
U’re photographed by amateur, queers. Not Diane Arbus or Patrick Demachelier. Even Agyness Deyn wont do that pose, I bet!
Bone-fire :
Sounds hot? NOT AT ALL!
U’re sooo skinny and captured with your sissiest pose, topless/naked, dan tulang elu dimana-mana. Mana ada yang posenya ala cover box susu L-Men pula.
U think those are muscle and packs, baby? Please, go buy men’s health magazine.
With that body, I’d rather go fur than naked! (nantang quote nya PETA =p)
Udah cukup ya kita disejajarin sama waria pinggiran. Padahal kita cuman gay, yang ga ada pikiran sama sekali buat jadiin dada ukuran sentosa.
Udah cukup juga banyak psycho macam Ryan, dan banci-banci salon yang ngebunuh kliennya, dan headline berita di media “Mereka Gay, Lelaki kemayu, Psycho!”
Damn! I am gay, but I don’t kill people!
Udah cukup juga kita dijadiin phobia oleh salah satu komunitas situs terbesar di Indonesia. Mereka bahkan punya emoticon sendiri buat bangsa kita, dan mereka menyebut kita MAHO! (and I still browse that site every single day, I love it, hope they do not find me as MAHO, bisa di blakclist!)
Don’t tell this words, “It’s me, it’s myself. Cara gua mengkespresikan diri.”
Oh yeah brother? From what i see, elu cuma ngerendahin diri elu sendiri sampe ke jurang paling dalem. And I don’t give a damn about yourself and your expression. It affects the whole gay team!
Look, I don’t hate u. I just hate the way u act and think. That’s all.
Lalu saya bilang sama senior itu, “Ko.. I am still sane.”
“Good boy!” bilangnya sambil mengerlingkan mata kanan.
2 komentar:
That's so frontal but kinda true :) nahh it's SO true haha :D keep on writing!
Well by writing ur post, I dont think u understand the ideas of our country Bhineka Tunggal Ika or literally translated into Unity in Diversity. Every different thing that u mention in your post kind of reminds me on how colorful our gay world is. No need to attack or criticize as the beauty of rainbow lies in the different colors it combines :-) and I'd personally like to celebrate the diversity in life. Imagine you only have roses in your garden, though they r fragrant, it'd be boring, but when u hv orchid, jasmine and other types, your garden would be more beautiful. respect other for their differences
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