Minggu, 04 November 2012

Chapter 66 : Touch of Midas

The Golden Boy.
Drew’s rolling up his long sleeve, “I’m a fighter. I believe in the eye for an eye business. You kill my cat, you better hide your dog.”
“You know I can’t write that on your story, don’t you?” Cyrus melenguh capek, sekali lagi.
“Well, lompat kelas dua kali, runner up olimpiade fisika tahun lalu, dan endingnya mau bikin aliansi charity? I almost think that you’re a total scientist material.” Drew diam saja.
“You know the fact that our ‘protégé’ pages are made for bright-rising youngster, who most of them are ended up in high socialite circle. If you are willing to be the one, Andrew, stop talking like provocative ghetto wannabe and start to talk inspiring words. And oh, stop striking pose like a porn star. Give me young Einstein, superior look.”
Drew menaikkan rahangnya tinggi. “Don’t you see what I’ve been doing?”
“From neck down, pretty boy, you’re questionable.” Rutuknya dalam hati. I’d kill Damon for this. Sabtu sore terkurung bareng spoiled brat kelakuan anak kucing yang berpura-pura jadi singa. He should be here by now!
“Hei! Wear this Varvatos’ coat, not that stimulating trunk! You’d be on Christmas issue, not hot summer issue. The photographer will direct you in five. You’d better be nice.” Cyrus menyimpulkan tali jubah Drew dengan kesal.
“Don’t take all day, young man.” Sapa satu sosok yang masuk dalam ruang.
Nafas Cyrus tertahan. “O, heaven be thanked! Sigh!”
Drew segera merapat ke sosok barusan. Bagai anak itik yang akhirnya menemukan induknya. “Outstanding, Joey?”
Joey tersenyum kecil, “The photos will tell. Now be ready for the cover photo shoot, my dear protégé.”
Cyrus merapatkan kedua telapak tangannya, bersiap untuk aksi selanjutnya. “I should have known…” senyumnya sinis pada Joey.
“What on earth are you doing here?” tambahnya.
“As you can see. I’m busy setting standard of my sidekick to be heavenly dazzling.” Balasnya santai.
“For your ears only, old pal… Your so-called-sidekick represents a hell for the interview. For you, Queeny, this is just another trainee boy. For me, this is LIFE!”
“I’m taking charge from here. You may leave.” Putus Joey ringan.

The Ugly Duckling.
“Everybody knows the story; swan’s egg ended up in duck's nest, then newborn swan hatched and think he's ugly since he's different from his siblings. Then he was cast off during winter, got depressed, sad, lonely, then he saw marvelous swans in spring, wish he could be like them, then Voila! He saw his mirror image in the water and he's a swan too!” Ketik cepat Joey pada desktop Cyrus.
“Bisa dicari korelasinya?” Sejam lalu Cyrus buntu soal cover story Andrew, but when Joey takes part, he got to admit everything gone easier.
“Andrew was one ugly duckling, frankly. One hell of fat geek with lack of confidence and greasy hair. One day after he’s turning seventeen, he came to me asking for guidance. I won’t help at first, but after knowing that he’s a product of school-bully, I can’t say no.”
Cyrus terhenyak. “Go on...”
“It was Tuesday, when I planned to picked him up from school. But he never appears. Ternyata hari itu dia jatuh dari tangga sekolahnya. Detailnya gimana, nobody knows. Bahkan Andrew. All he knows, he was pushed by a group of people from behind, then he blacked out.”
“Nature can be cruel. Predators are everywhere.” Cyrus sejenak memandang Andrew ditepi sana, berpose dengan begitu memukaunya didepan cermin ruang ganti.
“Sebulan dia dirawat inap dirumah sakit. Losing almost thirty-pounds of his weight. Then I’m starting to polish him. Choosing S size over M size for all of his clothes, cut his mega-failed Korean-wannabe bangs off and style him like River Viiperi.”
“Ahh… No wonder he looks like River so much. Aku kira cuma dikepalaku aja yang bilang begitu.”
“A little touch of Midas’ hand has transformed a rubbish into gold bars.”
“Let’s not put Andrew’s gloomy past story, shall we? Just focusing to set him as the rising talented youngster. Being successful is the best revenge.” Sambung Joey.
Cyrus mengangguk. “I’ll think of something. Damon will love this story for sure.”
“Speaking of which... Are you into Damon?” Joey berdiri mengambil briefcase-nya.
“Are we talking about the same Damon? My Boss-Damon?”
“Damon Thamrin. The ABCDE. Asshole. Bisexual. Champion. Dangerous. ‘Enormous’. Damon who sips whiskey on rocks after great sex.”
“So you guys were…having…se…”
“Don’t speculate anything!” Putusnya kilat sambil meninggalkan ruangan.
Damon menyambut pelukan Joey riang. “Everything’s okay, my Joey?”
“All set. Cuma tinggal nunggu photographernya aja datang. Can’t thank you enough.”
“Likewise. I’m blissful to help the former protégé. Like you said, devil gotta do what devil gotta do.”
Mereka duduk berhadapan. “So tell me Damon, how are things with Cyrus?”
“What things?”
“I don’t have to be a rocket scientist like Drew to know that you’re into Cyrus.”
Damon tertegun. “You’re not mad aren’t you?”
“Dari tujuh tahun yang lalu udah keliatan, kok… You constantly sneak a look from across the house observing Cyrus at my house, like a Peeping-Tom. So there’s no reason for me to be mad. I’m happy though.”
“You are full of incorrect assumption, aren’t you…”
Mata mereka mengamati adegan menarik barusan, seorang pria menjulang dengan penampilan atraktif barusan masuk studio. “Sorry for being late, my sister's boyfriend's sister’s mom’s cat broke her leg.” Sapanya pada Cyrus.
“You only got one hour left.” Sinisnya, tak menertawakan yang barusan Tobias lontarkan.
“Joey dimana ya? He signed me in for this job.”
“Di ruangan sebelah, bentar lagi juga keluar. You better preparing your stuff now, the model is already posing.”
“I thought you are the model.”
Cyrus menyipitkan matanya sinis, lagi. “First of all, I look all professional, not dressing up like one of those fancy boy. And second of all, was that your best pick-up line?”
“Easy handsome, I was just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive.”
“All I need is stronger painkiller, try harder next round.”

The Risky Business
“That’s Tobias, I hired him for this job. Is that okay?”
Damon melipat tangan, tak berpaling dari jendela. “Is this one of your plot? It’s not in our scheme.”
Joey menggeleng. “Hard to tell. Coba fokus ke hal lain. Gak bisa lihat tuh, dia mulai godain Cyrus...”
“Then? Should I fight for Cyrus over him? Forget it, Joey. I’m not living based on romance book.”
“That’s not for me to decide, Cousin.”
“Hahaha. You’re one hell of a clown, Toby!” Cyrus menepuk bahu Tobias.
“Nah kan, ‘your mama’ jokes never failed to break the ice.”
“Sorry for being so cynical back then. You did amazing job, by the way. I’m impressed.”
“Thanks to your model, my camera loves him.”
Cyrus mengepak tripod, membantu Toby berkemas. “Oh trust me, he was a total bitch when it was just me in the room.”
“Langsung pulang?”
“Mau laporan ke boss besar duluan. Kamu?”
“Tergantung. If you’re going to say yes, I’ll stay. If you’re saying no, I’ll leave.”
“Ehh?” dengusnya tak mengerti.
“I was asking you to go to dinner together, Cyrus.” Tawa Cyrus seketika meledak, baru kali ini dia tak bisa menerka maksud seseorang. Hectic does kill some senses.
Tak butuh waktu lama untuk memutuskan. Pemandangan Joey memeluk Damon diujung sana membuat Cyrus kontan menyambar tas kerjanya. “In the mood for spicy food?” ajaknya sambil meninggalkan ruangan bersama Toby.
“You okay, Damon?” tanyanya dalam lift menuju bawah.
Damon melonggarkan kerahnya. “Nothing. I just need some drinks.”
“Never let others see you sweat, that’s the first rule in our big family. Be like a duck, calm on top but paddling like hell underneath.”
“Do you see what I see?” konfirmnya pada Joey, setelah melihat Tobias mencium Cyrus diparkiran bawah.
Joey menaikkan alisnya, menjawabnya singkat. “Good news : he likes you. Bad news : not only you, cousin.”


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