June 27, 2009 Game on, Lover.. Keith melempar iPhone-nya, “Its over for me. Game over!” “Well, not for him. We know he’s not your boyfriend, tapi kalian sudah melalui semua hal yang seharusnya dilakukan orang pacaran! Ga diitung tuh?!” ejek saya sambil menyodorkan iPhone-nya yang masih kelap kelip gara-gara ada panggilan telepon. Panggilan itu akhirnya mati sendiri. “Its over, Chris.” Pandangnya memelas. Saya jadi simpati pada mahluk sarkas favorit saya ini. Billy. Keith sudah dekat dengan orang ini enam bulan lebih. Sering bertengkar justru membuat hubungan mereka makin solid. Soulmate katanya... Soulmate? “Soulmate kan ga harus selalu mesra! Ambil contoh tom & jerry, baskin & robin!” Billy, si Mr.Buzz yang so busy. Buzzy Busy Billy! Nama itu sampai jadi nama phonebook khusus Billy di iPhone Keith. Saking sibuknya orang ini, sampe-sampe YM-nya juga harus di buzz beberapa kali untuk menarik perhatiannya, “Buzz! Buzz! Still alive?! Don’t forget ur lunch! Buzz! Buzz! Don’t skip ur b’fast!” “I’m tired..” Cyrrus memeluknya erat, “Tapi kalian cocok lhoo..” “Yea rite.. We’re like.. SAKLAR? On and Off. Mostly off!” “Beri dia kesempatan. Mungkin usaha dinner ketiga ini gak batal lagi.” Saya meraih pipinya, ingin mengamati wajahnya yang layu. “Do u guys know? I don’t need the meal. I just want to spend a night with him. On a table. Face to face. Talking.. Debating.. Speaking.. Listening.. Starring.. Does he even realize what I want?” kami mengangguk mengerti. Manusia super sinis itu mulai menangis! “I better do the math test than this ‘ga-jelas-relationship’. Berkutat pada soal-soal maha-rumit, tapi bisa diselesaikan dengan rumus, dan hasilnya exact! Unlike this relationship! I feel like I’m playing trivia quiz.” Saya menaikkan alis, “So... Why don’t you play that trivia game? Tebak kelakuanku! Tebak apa yang kumau! Tebak arti tatapanku! Tebak aku!” saya bersungut-sungut. Keith melongo. “Why not?!” saya jadi lega sedikit. “U’ve been there many times, right?” dari lega jadi sebal. “I invented that game.. I rule that game.. I will win that game! Game on, Lover.” dia tersenyum lebar. Game over, Lover. Keith Wang : BUZZ! Keith Wang : don’t forget tonight! Amore, 7pm sharp, bill on me, its my treat! Keith Wang : BUZZ! Keith Wang : I need ur RSVP! Go ahead! Billy H : 7pm? Why so sudden? Its 2pm! Keith langsung panik, “Halo! What? Mau batalin yang ketiga kalinya ini?” babatnya diujung telepon. Bill diam dan berdehem beberapa kali, “Not tonight… I need to get done this blueprint, love. Deadline next weekend.” “I just need an hour! I’m sick of playing this game. Mengalahlah sedikit..” kali ini nadanya melemah kalah. “Can’t.. I know you. It wont takes just an hour.” Billy terus menyerang. Keith merasa bahwa dia harus memencet ‘hot button’nya sesegera mungkin sebelum dia dibabat habis. “Well, then u’re lose. And it’s your biggest loss. We are over.” “Hei! Don’t do that!” Billy tak terima. “Isn’t it a great deal for us? A ‘win-win solution’! You Happy! I’m happy!” keith menutup telepon itu tegas. “One more table, Mbak. Saya jadinya dinner bertiga.” Billy H : BUZZ! Keith Wang : wad? We’re chewing here! Billy H : forgive me.. =’( Billy H : BUZZ! Billy H : gimme ur fourth chance.. =( Keith Wang : my limit is always be three times, dude Billy H : please.. Billy H : BUZZ! Keith Wang : its done Bill, no more next level for us. Keith Wang : bye.. game over, lover.. Keith Wang has signed out. By.C
The sofa is not even Maroon, but the people are.. Cyrus, Keith, Chris spent most of their time in coffee shop, on centre of the spot with 2+2 black sofa with black pillows. It needs an additional person to complete it as four people.. Then 'Kiss and Tell' session begins..
Selasa, 21 Juli 2009
Chapter 6 : Soulmate in War
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9 komentar:
waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah... i likee it !!!!! berasaaaaa banget....
tetep asik , haha. ditunggu chapter lo
you are great writer... love the post :)
ini crita bersambung?? sorry.. aq br tau maroon sofa dr facebook..
honesty, pertama aq agk bingung ama makna crita ini.. but in the end, I think I've got your messages.. haha...
I'm not good in writing, but I have skill in reading.. and I think that you have a talent..
congrat.. ^^
ini crita bersambung?? sorry.. aq br tau maroon sofa dr facebook..
honesty, pertama aq agk bingung ama makna crita ini.. but in the end, I think I've got your messages.. haha...
I'm not good in writing, but I have skill in reading.. and I think that you have a talent..
congrat.. ^^
akhirnya ada juga posting-an barunya (-:
Akhirnya muncul juga! Kayak nunggu sequel-nya superman! Huahahaha...balas dendam mode on!
Hhmmmm...sumpah...cerita yang kali ini, aq rada ga nangkep sekali baca! Mesti diulang2, rada ga jelas soalnya! Hehehehe...(apa gara2 pake inggris ya??? You need my tutor, I think!):-P
Why does the character of Billy look like me?
Always Busy...Hhmmm...so ME! Huehehehe.....
Ya dah, ditunggu chapter selanjutnya, OK! :-)
Your Twin Brother,
Lucas Evans ;-)
"staring", not "starring" nak
~queen mother
staRRing creszo? hahaha
n suddenly u used ur real name =.=
u never buzzed me before~
need that tho >.<
good writing ^0^
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