Kamis, 30 April 2009

Chapter 2 : Shoes Theory

July 2nd, 2008


Why Single?

“Why not?” jawab saya mantap ketika ditanyai salah seorang teman yang ikut nimbrung di sofa 2+2 kami.

“Gua ga percaya elu udah single.. like… fifteen fuckin months?!” hitung Cyrrus sambil memainkan jarinya.

Saya hanya memainkan alis dan bibir, tanda ‘no comment,deh ah!’-

Saya jadi kesal kalau inbox di Facebook ada pertanyaan “Masih single?”.

Pasti saya balas, “Have u seen my profile? =)” disingkat aja. Nurut sama kampanye GreenPeace buat hemat energi.

Lalu mereka balas, “Hehe. Bohong ah. Kamu cakep, cute, seem nice. Pasti banyak yang antri. Boleh daftar?”

Saya jadi lebih semangat membalas (ingat kan kalo balas dendam crispy rasanya? Haha). “Formulir abis, tunggu taun depan. Itu juga kamu dapet urutan ke 5120. Antrinya di kaki gunung merapi sampai puncak.”

Maunya dibalas begitu, tapi enggak tega. Jadinya jawaban kedua yang dipakai, “Hehehe.. =)” rasanya cukup. Damn, I love GreenPeace!

Kami ber-empat memang lagi single semua.

Keith, barusan di dumped (oops). Cyrrus baru pdkt dan enggak tau itu hubungan juntrungnya kemana entar, ekornya aja belom nampak,ckck..

Si anak kecil ini malah sudah pacaran 12 kali! Dan memecahkan dua rekor lagi : paling lama dua bulan, paling pendek siang jadian, malem putus. Britney harus ngerubah title lagunya jadi, ‘Gimme Whore!’ buat tribute ini anak.

“Emang kalian enggak kesepian? Kalo malem minggu gimana dong? Kalo nangis, yang pinjemin bahu siapa?”

“Oh jadi itu alasan lu punya pacar? Trust us, little baby, we’ve never been lonely, but sometimes we are just horny.” Kami ngakak. “Malem mingguan harus sama BF? Udah coba sama stranger on the bar?  Lebih seru!” lanjut Keith lagi.

“Dan kalo nangis, ada bantal kok.” Tambah Cyrrus. Matthew makin mewek.

“Gampang banget cari pacar? Gua aja baru sekali!” saya ngakak.

“Ya gitu deh.. Gampang suka. Bener kata senior-senior, easy come easy go.”

“Kebanyakan putus kenapa tuh, Matt?” tanya Cyrrus.

“Udah nggak cocok lagi. Udah..”

Saya memotongnya, “Udah nggak suka lagi? Udah ga cinta lagi?” dia diam dan pura2 menyeruput frappe-nya.

“Dikasih jeda kaleeee, Matt! Masa nyandang status single sebulan aja elu engga kuat? YM aja ada status idle’nya…” yak! Mulut ganas Keith beraksi!

“Sekarang lagi pdkt nih, kayanya besok jadian deh. Gimana yah? Padahal baru seminggu kenal, dua kali jalan bareng, dan udah fantasi dia sekali. Kayanya ” Kami bertiga jadi gantian pura-pura menyeruput frappe sambil memandangi dia.

Spesies macam apa pula ini!


Which shoes fit on you?

“Sampe kapan single?” tanya Matt lagi kepada saya. Keith segera menawarinya rokok kedua. Penyumpal mulut, peracun paru-paru. Dari dulu dia penasaran seperti apa muka orang yang mati sambil kesumpelan selusin rokok menyala. Oh.. andai rokok itu petasan.

Saya berpikir, memang kenapa kalau single? Ada yang salah? Bukannya tidak laku, tapi menganggap diri over-qualified (huahaha! taik) bagi mereka yang not qualified.

No offense, but… Hey! I do my gym frequently! Makan ga ngawur ! Grooming repot setiap pagi! Wearing nice clothes, nice shoes..! Masa mau dapat yang serampangan?! Mau dapat yang ‘cukur bulu hidung bisa lusa’. Yang pake baju asal comot tanpa melihat lemari dulu. Yang (ngakunya) pergi ke gym tapi yang mekar malah otot mulut sama matanya aja! Bukannya sombong, tapi kita harus menjaga keseimbangan alam, kan? =p

Jadi ingat teori pacar seperti sepatu. Nice foot buys nice shoes. Kaki berbulu lebat plus keriting, jangan ‘beli’ sepatu warna pastel. Kaki mulus nan putih? From now on, put ur high-heels on! Kaki gede dan bau? Flip-flop dulu deh..

Dan perlakukan “your best shoes” dengan extra. Digosokin Vaseline kalo kotor, diganjal busa kalo nganggur, dan dipakai dengan rasa bangga.

Saya tersenyum lebar, jawaban diplomatis ala Miss Universe sudah siap, “Cuz i’m looking for shoes that won’t hurt my feet. Kalo perlu gua jelajahi itu semua toko sepatu buat nyari ‘that shoes’.” And the Mikimoto’s crown goes on me!

“And if I were pair of shoes. I’ll be waiting on the top of rack. With the most expensive tag-price. Nice, comfort and available. But not for sale, until the last of season!” toast to myself!

Baru kali ini Matthew ngakak, dan dia tidak bertanya lagi setelah jawaban ‘ala-kadarnya itu’. “See ya, Blahnik, Choo, and Loubotin..” pamitnya pada kami.

And I’m Loubutin all the way!



12 komentar:

wLauw mengatakan...

Huahahaha.... i love the new post Cres. Very...intriguing. But it's true you know, why is it that everybody is questioning the single status. "Why Single?" and we should ask the back "Why not?".....

You need a boyfriend for what?
* To be there for you when you are down? (I have my friends as well)
* To accompany you and hear your stories? (I still have my friends with me)
* To satisfy your lust? (go online and grab someone from there, one night stand and no strings attached)......

Finding THE ONE is difficult for str8 people and it's more difficult for us, you know rite with all the I-think-that-one-is-cuter-than-this-one thing....huahahaha........

Why Single?? WHY NOT?!!!!

Anonim mengatakan...

Topik yg cukup bgs. Haha
krn sy jg msh single. Hehe
gaya bahasa cukup ok.
sapa tau km bisa jd author.
Good luck...

Vincent Jose mengatakan...

hmmm, right.... finding the right one is not easy, and it's more difficult to maintain the right one to be still the right one.
Gw dulu awal2 jg mikir kyk loe, definitely the same...
until i found my own "jimmy choo stiletto"... wkwkwkwk
hopefully will last for a long time and i don't need to buy another shoes.
cause the shoes i have now is very expensice, it cost all I have.

So, if we don't feel like he's not the right one... why bother?
maybe just not the right time, and definitely not the right one.
to satisfy our lust? just put your dick on, anyone will prepare their holes. Just believe that ur dick is the best, cause I do believe so.
I love my dick! LOL.... udah ah ngaco sampe kemana2...

great story btw, miss bradshaw! :)

Anonim mengatakan...

It's Bloody Funny and "touching"! Hhmmmm.... last word seems so "Not" me! what kind of expression is touching???? Weird me! hehehehe...
But one thing is disturbed me!
Miss Universe's crown is no longer Mikimoto, sweetie! It's diamond nexus' crown! Huahahaha...
very unimportant to be discussed!

It's always complicated talking about relationship, right! So, why do we have to bother???

Your Six Feet Wall! :-)

Sunaryo mengatakan...

wah bagus tuh ceritanya.... hm,mmm....
sptr kapan buku edisi lengkapnya terbit? ehehheheeh :p

Anonim mengatakan...

Omigudddd bu... It's awesome d... hahaha..
cuma saranku karena ini crita yg blh dibilang remaja n lbh share ttg pengalaman mending jangan pake saya ato anda d.. terlalu baku banget n ga terlalu cocok ma critanya.. hahaha..

Overall udh bagus bgt...

Anonim mengatakan...

why single?
coz its good?? coz u will have 'me time' as much as u want ?? coz its all about me, not us ?? cz u can try any 'shoes' in the stores?? u can try wedges.. u can try flat.. u can try stiletto.. u can try platform.. u can try marry jane..or even sandals.. And u can choose choo.. u can choose loubotin.. u can choose fendi.. or crocs.. or even kickers.. its about what u want... what u need.. and which one fit on u most.. and no one can blame u for that...
Gosh i miss that time.... ^^

dave mengatakan...

nice post kk....
"Pelajaran yang Berharga yg patut di pelajari.."
dve mengerti skrg...
love u kk..
(love = sayang yhee...)

michael mengatakan...

sepp.. bagusss bangett.. hahaaha..
like it so much!! keep up the good work..

marionette mengatakan...

be blod and delicious crez...

Anonim mengatakan...

Why Single??? Because I think Im not ready yet to have someone beside me...

Love is not only the buterfly, love is when we meet someone and ready to be together in good time and bed time eh bad time hehehehe...

To Love means to open ourselves to negative as well as positive - to grief, to sorrow, and disapointment as well as to joy, fulfillment, and intensity of conciousness we did not know was possible before -- Rollo may...

'dHo mengatakan...

o my God.. i love what legolas81 say... Love is not only about when we feel those buterfly, but about when we ready to be together... and when we ready to open ourself to negative....
im agree with him... ^^