18 August 2010
Tornado vs Volcano
I’m asking Noel what happened with his forehead and neck? Kayanya ada luka membiru dan agak merah.
“My boyfriend did it.” Katanya sambil berusaha menutupinya dengan poni.
“Hah? What’s going on yah??”
“That’s the point. Kalo facebook enggak buta, there should be relationship status for – I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON !”
Ok, what going on is, they are both temperamental.
Noah’s temper just as bad as Gary is. Ga ada yang mau ngalah, dan selalu berakhir dengan adu fisik.
They fight for nothing and for no reason.
“What happen with ur neck? Did he choked you?” dia mengangguk.
“What about the bruise on your forehead?” tanya saya lagi.
“Oh ini.. Ini cuma jedot-jedotin kepala aja ke tembok waktu dia teriak-teriak dari luar kamar mandi yang gua kunci. Begitu terus sampe gua pingsan dan tertidur. Biar lupa dikit.”
“Gosh! Your boyfriend is a monster !”
“Don’t Worry Keith, I fought back. I left some marks on his ass and chest. Haha. Maybe this is what happen when tornado meets volcano.” What an insane couple.
Saya selalu mikir, kadang kita ini enggak butuh pasangan hidup buat memenuhin keinginan dan emosi kita.
Yang terlalu suka manja, yang terlalu labil emosinya, mereka cuma perlu baby-sitter.
A girl once told me, “Sometime, a big man doesn’t need a lover. They just need one emotional baby sitter.”
Balik ke kursi 2+2 kami di tengah coffee-shop.
“Dear-Lord. Your relationship just like battlefield. BAM-BAM-BOOM !!”
“Kok enggak diputusin aja?”
“I love him. Dan gua enggak mau ngerubah dia, karena itu yang gua suka dari dia. I love men who can explode. It’s a volcano.”
“….and his anger, i spell it WARMTH.” Tambahnya.
“Dan saling maafin ujugnya?” Cyrrus merasa ini konyol.
“Do u know what my Mom said about forgiveness?” kami menggeleng.
“Someday, God asked- what is forgiveness? Then a little girl replies- it’s the sweet fruit that a tree gives when it’s being hurt by a stone.”
Keith diam. Dan saya makin bingung.
“Dan akhirnya kami selalu saling pelukan dan seperti biasa lagi. We just.. releasing our anger this way. U do sport, we do yelling.”
So what the point of your damn relationship yah?!
“Let go of what kills you. And hold on to what keeps you breathing.”
Lalu Gary datang menjemputnya dan duduk di sofa kami. They smile, and seemed madly in love.
“Have a fun-time, Hon?” lalu mereka saling peluk dan pamit.
And I’m guessing they will kill each other after arrive at home.
Get ur weapon on, dear.