Jumat, 20 Agustus 2010


18 August 2010


Tornado vs Volcano

I’m asking Noel what happened with his forehead and neck? Kayanya ada luka membiru dan agak merah.

“My boyfriend did it.” Katanya sambil berusaha menutupinya dengan poni.

“Hah? What’s going on yah??”

“That’s the point. Kalo facebook enggak buta, there should be relationship status for – I DON’T EVEN KNOW WHAT’S GOING ON !”

Ok, what going on is, they are both temperamental.

Noah’s temper just as bad as Gary is. Ga ada yang mau ngalah, dan selalu berakhir dengan adu fisik.


They fight for nothing and for no reason.

“What happen with ur neck? Did he choked you?” dia mengangguk.

“What about the bruise on your forehead?” tanya saya lagi.

“Oh ini.. Ini cuma jedot-jedotin kepala aja ke tembok waktu dia teriak-teriak dari luar kamar mandi yang gua kunci. Begitu terus sampe gua pingsan dan tertidur. Biar lupa dikit.”

“Gosh! Your boyfriend is a monster !”

“Don’t Worry Keith, I fought back. I left some marks on his ass and chest. Haha. Maybe this is what happen when tornado meets volcano.” What an insane couple.




Saya selalu mikir, kadang kita ini enggak butuh pasangan hidup buat memenuhin keinginan dan emosi kita.

Yang terlalu suka manja, yang terlalu labil emosinya, mereka cuma perlu baby-sitter.

A girl once told me, “Sometime, a big man doesn’t need a lover. They just need one emotional baby sitter.”


Balik ke kursi 2+2 kami di tengah coffee-shop.

“Dear-Lord. Your relationship just like battlefield. BAM-BAM-BOOM !!”

“Kok enggak diputusin aja?”

“I love him. Dan gua enggak mau ngerubah dia, karena itu yang gua suka dari dia. I love men who can explode. It’s a volcano.”

“….and his anger, i spell it WARMTH.” Tambahnya.

“Dan saling maafin ujugnya?” Cyrrus merasa ini konyol.

“Do u know what my Mom said about forgiveness?” kami menggeleng.

“Someday, God asked- what is forgiveness? Then a little girl replies- it’s the sweet fruit that a tree gives when it’s being hurt by a stone.”

Keith diam. Dan saya makin bingung.

“Dan akhirnya kami selalu saling pelukan dan seperti biasa lagi. We just.. releasing our anger this way. U do sport, we do yelling.”

So what the point of your damn relationship yah?!

“Let go of what kills you. And hold on to what keeps you breathing.”

Lalu Gary datang menjemputnya dan duduk di sofa kami. They smile, and seemed madly in love.

“Have a fun-time, Hon?” lalu mereka saling peluk dan pamit.

And I’m guessing they will kill each other after arrive at home.

Get ur weapon on, dear.




Jumat, 06 Agustus 2010

Chapter 31 : MATRIMONY

August 2, 2010



These are what I hate about wedding : what to wear, and bunch of happy straight couples.

Damn, I’m soooo doomed ! Tau gini ga usah kelakar ide nemenin si Joey segala.

Okay, sekarang kita ber-empat sudah di kapel, duduk tengah di kursi memanjang. 

My first impression: what a splendid wedding !

I mean, it was PERFECT. The flowers, the candles, and not to mention the best men. They’re all well-groomed men. All straight, sadly.

“No wonder Chris. The groom is gay. And He has excellent taste.” bisik Joey.

“Udah liat foto pre-wed mereka didepan tadi, Joey?” Cyrrus dan Keith datang telat dan langsung menyambar tempat kosong di sebelah.

“Udah. Dan kayanya center of attention on every pics is on the bride, deh. This wedding is about her. Kayanya cewenya lebih mendominasi ntar dalam berumah tangga. Nyeremin.” saya cuma menaikkan alis.

“Have u seen the bride, guys? Her boobs are so huge, that ‘they’ hit my face even before I say hi to her !” ini anak kok sinis terus begini sih. Jadi ga enak sama tamu depan-belakang. Arrrh !

Jujur, saya sendiri sebenernya juga engga suka konsep pernikahan. Apa-apaan coba, cinta kok pake ginian segala.

“I just don’t believe in marriage. Its just some kind of Priest’s practical joke. Even the priest never got married !” setuju Keith !

Well, sebenernya enggak boleh juga sih sinis sama pernikahan. 

I mean, I’ve never been married. Its just like judging something that u don’t even know.

Siapa tahu pernikahan itu arti sebenarnya dari cinta. I don’t know. 

Takut kualat juga teriak-teriak, “Lihat yeh elu-elu pada, sumpah tai tokek gua ga bakal nikah !” bikin keselek juga liat binan-binan tua pada nikah ujungnya. Pada nyerah. Pada nikah.

“I will marry someone today. Men. Women. Man-whore. Whore. Whoever. I want to be on that spot : ALTAR. Cuz as I seen, A wedding anniversary is the celebration of  love, faith, partnership, acceptance and persistence.  HELLO FAIRYTALE !!” Ok people, u heard these words from sweetie-botie Cyrrus.

“Baby-Cy, for me, a wedding ceremony is really the final scene of the fairy-tale. They never tell you what happens after...” smash Joey telak.

“Will you marry someone, someday, Joe?” tanya saya.

“Dear me. I'm not that desperate. I am so hot that if it was legal, I would marry myself.”


For Better or Worse.

“I really cant wait for the VOW SESSION. Waktu pendeta bilang : marry him for better or worse. I would shout loudly – BUT NOT FOR GOOD !!” Geez Joey.

“It’s a heaven thing! Don’t  dare u do that ! Sssshh !!”

Keith ngikik, “Baby Cy, if marriage made in heaven, then what are made in hell?”

“The day after marriages. HAHAHAHH!” Joey ngakak dibarengi Keith. All eyes on us!

Oke. Suara Grand piano dimulai. Here comes Joey’s ex. Joey cuma bisa menunduk melihatnya melintas menuju altar.

Then the bride… I can’t even say it. She looks uber gorgeous. Her flawless radiant face. Her smells. Her smile. Not a fake happiness.

Kami baru benar-benar diam dan kaku setelah melihat sang Ayah dari the-bride menangis di sampingnya sambil mengantarnya menuju altar. Perlahan, menyesapi langkah demi langkah.

That bulky-men-look-like-a-hongkong-mafia is crying! What a melting moment!

Matrimony never been this beautiful in my eyes.

“Sudah aku relain. Semoga dia happy sama kehidupan barunya. Bagaimanapun, dia berhak memilih kehidupan yang lebih baik kan…” gumam Joey super pelan.

Saya menggenggam tangan kirinya erat. “It’s gonna be okay. Release him from your heart. Accept the reality. And get your life back. You know we love you.” Dan sekilas mantannya sempat melempar senyum dua detik ke arah tempat kami duduk.

Then we smile. 

I never thought wedding ceremony can bring sweet and warm feeling. Unlike the other wedding.


“Gua pulang belakangan yah. Kalian pulang ndiri aja.” Kata Joey.

“Mau ngapain elu? Yang nikah aja udah pulang.”

“Have you seen the pianist? He’s hot as hell, Baby-Cy.”

“And he’s straight as hell !! I know him at the gym. Gua ulang : Dia bukan binan !”

“Never heard of my skill? Membengkokkan semua yang lurus.” Kedipnya sambil masuk ke dalam gereja lagi.


By. C