Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Chapter 30 : Post Break Up Trauma

July 16, 2010


The Present Joey.

Do you remember Joey, my ex-besties from chapter 7?  

Beberapa bulan yang lalu setelah dia mencoba pacaran lagi, akhirnya putus lagi.

Damn ! I feel a bit guilty, karena meyakinkan dia untuk menjatuhkan hatinya.

This morning he’s texting me to meet up. “Don’t forget to bring Keith. And yes, Cyrrus. I'm missing him slash my biggest enemy, anyway..”

“That’s not your fault, potato-head ! Salah dia ndiri ga bisa maintain hubungan. Don’t you ever feel guilty. At all. He is bad romance!” Kata Cyrrus dalam perjalanan.

Well, I just can’t.

Jadi usut punya usut, ternyata dia putus karena pacarnya mau nikah bulan depan. 

Oh god, CHECK MATE !!

Here we are. Party of four. Just like the old formation. Just like the old time. 

Before Joey done something wrong to us. (I forgave him, anyway =p)

“Wow. You look so skinny, Joe. How you do it?” Buka saya.

“Yeah.. Try being dumped by ur boyfriend, received wedding invitation, and pretending that you are fine for the whole week with drinking Smirnoff.”

“Euch.. that’s the diet I wont be trying.” Kata Keith.

And here’s Cyrrus. Dia memberanikan diri duduk di sebelah Joey.

“You okay, Joey?”

“I’m good Baby-Cy. How are you?”

“Still single. Still mingle. A bit desperate for the real love.”

“My former hubby is getting married next month. And the bride is way prettier than me.”

“You win, Joey. You always win.” Lalu kami semua diam.

“What about you treat me Mango Blast or should we get two pain-killer pills ?” keduanya terbahak.



(Back to) The Old Joey.

Joey memutuskan untuk menjadi yang dulu : Top bitch with bunch of lovers, and none of them serious.

Playing the poker face. Playing love gambling. Playing around and swipe the card until it reaches the limit.

Use all the vouchers, baby !! Swipe the card till drop !!

“To the point aja. Gua ini enggak cocok pacaran. Some of you are meant to be together with someone. And mine? Nasib gua ini ya single dan main-main terus aja. So please, don’t push me to be in relationship again. Ever !” tertohok deh ah!!

It seems like he has sorrow that even heaven can’t heal.

Ini nih yang bikin orang trauma abis putus. Takut disakitin lagi. Jadinya pelariannya ke macem-macem. Kemana aja deh, asal bisa lupain yang kemarin secara kilat.

Well, let’s see deh. And however, saya lebih suka ngeliat si Joey single. Kesannya lebih hidup, lebih fun, dan ga kusut kaya begini lah!


“I decide to not coming to the wedding ceremony.”

“What? Why? Disitu elu bisa nunjukin kalo elu oke-oke aja tanpa dia.” Kata saya.

“Gimana kalo malah entar gua nangis didepan mereka?”

“That’s why we, four of us, are coming with u, stupid queen!” kata saya lagi.

Mereka bertiga melongo, kompak. Tanpa saya.

(to be continued...)

For all those sorrow hearts : No matter who broke your heart or how long it takes to heal, you'll never get through it without your friends. =)


By : C

Senin, 12 Juli 2010

Chapter 29 : Fight For Love

July 5, 2010

For those who falls in love :

Yes, I am in love.

The writer of this blog is falling in love =)

Duluuu banget, waktu jaman masih gendutan dikit dan facebook (FS boro-boro) belum ada, saya rajin baca blog binan indo dan pasangannya yang sampe sekarang hepi di Texas sana.

They made fusion-sushi together, jogging together, anything together.

I was soo envy the writer! I feel like that thing won’t ever happen to me.

I mean … Me? Please!! I was 80kilos with fugly hair-do and still confused about my sexual-preferences. Dulu nangis-nangis kenapa saya kok suka cowo. Sekarang malah gembor-gembor bangga jadi binan. =p

Saya sudah jadi lajang jalang dua tahun setelah putus dari pacar pertama saya. Belasan date dan belasan kesempatan mencoba dengan orang lain. Paling lama? Dua bulan bersama, abis itu bubye. Ilang feeling. How could I be so heartless, yah?

And BOOM !! He appears =)

Dia hadir disaat saya berhenti mengejar. Berhenti berharap. Dan menerima keadaan.

Maybe ZEN was right, u just have to be slow down and everything you are chasing will come around to catch you.

Jadi intinya. Diam saja. Bahkan dalam diam, tangan-tangan tak terlihat itu tetap bekerja. Cetak biru kita sudah di-set sama yang dilangit sana.

He melts me. He neutralizes me. He's a crush. He’s a crash !!

“Don't find love, let love finds you. That's why it's
 called falling in love, because you don't force 
yourself to fall, you just fall..” oceh saya pada Keith dan Cyrrus suatu hari.

For once, stop looking for love. It will find you when you need it most. You wont find it when you look. When you look, your looking all the wrong places and your looking because you’re obsessed. Stop looking. It will find you.

And now, whenever I read those blogs about the 'perfect guy', I smile to myself because I know that I already have him.

For those who gave up for love :

I’ve been in this situation. My heart being broken by someone, then, instead of healing my pain, I decide to break many hearts. Yes it’s fun, but what you got? Being top bitch only fun when u got victim.

Saya sendiri juga jadi skeptic dan sarkas soal cinta. LOVE? THERE’S NO SUCH THING LIKE THAT !!

There are times that I miss the feeling of being in love. But each time I recall how much it hurts.. 
I’d rather choose to miss it 
than to feel it again ...

Everyone says LOVE HURTS, but that's not true.

Loneliness hurts. Cheating hurts. Rejectionhurts.Deception hurts. Losing someone hurts. Everyone gets this thing confused with LOVE.

But in reality, Love is the only thing in this world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again.

Everyone in life is going to hurt you, you just have to figure out which people are worth the pain.

And don’t ever tell me that you are lonely because you can’t find any love.

Are u blind? You can find love in family, friends, even your own pillow!

For those who fights for love:

What do you do when someone stops loving you?

Well, you cry a little and then you wait for the sun to come out. It always does.

Don’t worry! Everyone is irreplaceable. One down, hundreds to go, people!

And please, stop wasting your time looking for the perfect lover but instead, you can create a perfect love. Sometimes, all you have to do is shut up and holding your couple’s hands.

Once again, stop doing anything, sit together then smile to him. Kenapa banyak orang putus setelah bertengkar? Karena mereka tidak tahu cara duduk bersama dan berbicara apa yang error dalam hubungan mereka.

So, Yes. Fight for what are you believe in. Stop collecting stones around you while a big diamond is in front of you, people =)


Ps: for My dear-dear : I don't know much 
about love, but I'll spend lifetime learning with you.

Happy 1st anniversary =)

By. C

Selasa, 06 Juli 2010

Chapter 28 : From Coffee to Sex

July 2nd, 2010


What are you normally do when you are single and dating nobody?

Chris   >> Being single is like a vacuum sucks when you're turned on. Daripada sama vacuum cleaner, well, let’s get the real one!

Cyrrus   >>  Falling into chocolate !! Then I like my beer cold, my TV loud and my homosexuals flaming. Lord, I wish McDonald’s has new French Fries variant menu called McDillDough !

Keith   >>  Dating nobody? It means no companion in bed, true? Well, I will pretend and to feel like a porn star in my own room, and surrounded by ten dicks !! Yeah baby !!

Wesley   >>  I don’t need to have sex, gays ! Many problem in my life and government  fuck me everyday in every direction !

Keith   >>  Wo’hoo ! Siapa sekarang yang sarkas soal being single yaah. That’s the reason u need to be kind to everybody, heartless boy!

Cyrrus   >>  Euch.. My cock doesn’t talk politic, please !!

Wesley   >> Would you like to keep your teeth in good shape, gays? Then mind your own business!

Then we are LoL-ing. Enjoying our Dark Mocha on maroonsofa as usual, ditemani Wesley si boti tua. He just broke up last week and need to through his hard moment with us.

“You know what? You guys are like condoms, always be there when things get hard.” Thanks dear Wesley =)

Kami biarkan si Wesley ngoceh lagi. “If they can send one man to the moon, why can't they send them all? Especially the jerk one!!”

“And you know what, I think I need a space. You know, menyendiri dirumah, tidur sampe puas. Bercocok tanam di kebun belakang kalo perlu.”

Keith hampir ngakak, “If you need a space, you could work at NASA. They are hiring monkey astronaut now.” LMAO !


“Kenapa kita suka minum coffee ya? Gay mostly.” Tanya Wesley yang notabene owner this fancy coffee shop.

“I dunno, dear. I prefer Wine and Whiskey actually. Tapi coffee paling nenangin. Hot Dark Mocha or Hot Caramel Macchiato could heal ur sorrow in a minute.” Kata Cyrrus.

“Cuz coffee brings me serenity and warmth. I like all kind of coffees. Sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, all must be tasted. That’s coffee. Just like love =)” Kata saya.

Keith berdiri sambil memegang hot cinnamon coffee nya dalam cangkir kecil, “I am up for everything from coffee to sex. Sometimes a hot cup of coffee with a hot man is better than sex…”

“… and sex with the hot man after coffee? Well, that’s just dessert!” tutupnya.


Aww !!

Sip your coffee and keep reading this blog, fellas =)

